Beloved Friends star Matthew Perry tragically died on October 28, 2023, in his Los Angeles home. His cause of death was ruled to be the result of “acute effects” of ketamine. On August 15, 2024, law enforcement finally made multiple arrests in connection with the actor’s death.
One of those arrests was Perry’s longtime assistant, Kenneth Iwamasa. The Department of Justice announced his charges on August 15 via a press release.
Matthew Perry’s Assistant Injected Actor With Ketamine on the Day He Died
The DoJ stated that Iwamasa “repeatedly” injected Perry with ketamine – including on the day that he passed.
“Kenneth Iwamasa, 59, of Toluca Lake, who conspired with Sangha, Fleming, and Plasencia to illegally obtain ketamine and distribute it to Perry,” their statement read.
Iwamasa has already pled guilty to the charges.
“Iwamasa pleaded guilty on August 7 to one count of conspiracy to distribute ketamine causing death. He admitted to repeatedly injecting Perry with ketamine without medical training. Including performing multiple injections on Perry on October 28, 2023 – the day Perry died.”
“On that day, Perry died at his Pacific Palisades home after receiving multiple ketamine injections. Plasencia sold the ketamine to Iwamasa.”
This is a developing story.