Queen Elizabeth has a drinking problem. Doctors are telling her to stay away from her favorite beverage. Here’s what’s going on.
No More Martinis
Elizabeth has always enjoyed a bit of booze. Dry martinis are her drink of choice, a favorite of Prince Charles as well. This only makes sense considering the royal family’s longtime connection to James Bond. Anyway, her cousins and former chefs have said she used to drink up to four alcoholic beverages a day, one with each meal and one before bed. Those days are long over, as she’s been told to only drink water and soft drinks. Her doctors are now telling her to do away with alcohol completely.
Multiple sources inform Vanity Fair that Elizabeth must curb her drinking entirely. A family friend says, “It’s not really a big deal for her, she is not a big drinker but it seems a trifle unfair that at this stage in her life she’s having to give up one of the very few pleasures.” She’s rarely caught drinking in public, but now her days of drinking in private are over. It sounds like the lack of a nightly drink is upsetting her, though she’s keeping calm and carrying on as is her way.
Trying Times
It’s been a trying year for Elizabeth. Between the death of her beloved Prince Philip, COVID-19, and the drama surrounding Prince Andrew, she has as much on her plate as ever. Despite everything, she still has high energy and is completing her obligations with aplomb.
At the age of 95, however, her health is a concern. She’s started using a cane for comfort to help her complete her royal duties.
Focusing On Climate Change
One issue Elizabeth is publicly upset about is climate change. She was recently overheard venting about the United Nations climate conference and a lack of commitment from other nations. “We only know about people who are not coming… it’s really irritating when they talk but they don’t do.” The conference starts in a few weeks, and the goal is to get world leaders to agree on green strategies for the good of the future.
Elizabeth isn’t the only royal frustrated with climate change. In fact, it’s one issue her grandson’s Prince Willaim and Prince Harry have in common. William is coping by announcing the Earthshot Prize, while Prince Harry is partnering with a green investing firm. It seems like the entire royal family is on the same page about the lackluster status quo.