Noor Alfallah and famed actor Al Pacino welcomed a new son, Roman, in June 2023. But Alfallah recently revealed to Vogue Arabia that, during her pregnancy, she was diagnosed with a life-threatening illness.
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Alfallah was diagnosed with Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzyme levels, and Low Platelet levels. It is also known as HELLP Syndrome, which is a pregnancy complication where high liver enzymes can cause seizures, during or right after giving birth.
“When I look back on it now, I wish I could have enjoyed my pregnancy more,” Alfallah told Vogue.
Alfallah Sounds Off on Motherhood
Thankfully both mom and Roman have recovered from the pregnancy and are happy, healthy, and living live. And although giving birth to Roman had its challenges Alfallah says that being a mom is one of her greatest joys.
“Becoming a mom – to be honest – it’s greater than I ever could imagine. Roman has just been the greatest gift from God, a thousand times better than what I ever thought he would be,” she added.
“Every day I look at him, I just know I’m so blessed. I say Mashallah because I’m a little superstitious. Even when I got into Sundance – Mashallah. Or, we’re going to get into Cannes. Inshallah.”
Social Media Reacts to Al Pacino’s Oscars Mishap
The 2024 Oscars did not come without controversy and one of the controversial moments involved Pacino.
Pacino was up to present the award for Best Picture. It is customary for the award presenter to read off all of the nominees and then announce the winner. But Pacino skipped the nominees and announced Oppenheimer as the winner.
The moment went viral on social media and some thought Pacino did it intentionally. But the day after the ceremony he clarified his actions.
“Just want to be clear it was not my intention to omit them, but rather a choice by the producers not to have them said again since they were highlighted individually throughout the ceremony,” he said.
Still, the internet had a field day with Pacino’s mishap.
“I’m obsessed with the way Al Pacino announced Oppenheimer as Best Picture. couldn’t have been more chaotic or confusing lol,” one person said.
“Pacino was like, “I ain’t standing here while you read out 10 nominees bro. Oppenheimer come get your s***,” another said.
“Was Al Pacino the best choice for presenting the biggest award of the night? that was wild,” another said.