Jennifer Garner is celebrating her on-screen daughter’s birthday in true ’70s fashion. As her Yes Day co-star Jenna Ortega turns 20, the two actresses can be seen together under a disco ball in Garner’s recent Instagram post. Their good vibes in the skating rink may just take you back to your childhood days.
Jennifer Garner’s Groovy Celebration
In Garner’s Instagram reel, the two co-stars glide hand in hand as they roller skate around the rink. “My #YesDaypeanut has a birthday today. Happy birthday, sweet @jennaortega! ?#TBTuesday,” Garner wrote on her Instagram post.
As you watch the video, you may be transported back in time. Do you recall skating at the roller rink as a kid? From racing friends on wheels to limboing in skates and just trying not to fall, roller skating was such a fun childhood activity. Garner’s video is definitely bringing back the nostalgic memories.
Disco Isn’t Dead Yet
The reel also takes us right back to the 1970s. Just as people experienced at the roller rink back then, the lights are dimmed, the disco ball is spinning, and neon lights are shining in the distance. Plus, the music in the video is like opening a time capsule of the late ’70s and early ’80s. In true disco fashion, one of Diana Ross’ hits turns us round and round in the reel.
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Although disco had a quick death in 1979 thanks in large part to the infamous “Disco Demolition” night at Chicago’s Comiskey Park, the once despised genre is making a comeback. From Beyonce’s Renaissance to Lizzo’s Special, disco has been brought back from the dead.
Garner Sets A Good Example
The resurrection of disco isn’t the only thing from the 1970s that’s coming back in the 2020s. Just as Garner’s video shows, roller skating is on the trend. Thanks in part to TikTok and Instagram videos, putting on a pair of quads has become out of sight, as we would have said in the ’70s. In fact, people of all ages are taking up this vintage activity, including women of a certain age.
I should know because I’m one of them. Just earlier this year, I picked up roller skating for the first time since elementary school. As a mother to three children, I’m always searching for a fun way to destress. Apparently, roller skating is one way I can still have fun.
Garner’s video reminds us all that we can have fun even in adulthood. Whether we’re 20 like Jenna Ortega or 50 like Jennifer Garner, roller skating and celebrating one another are two far out ways to enjoy life.