A Japanese professor just made a lickable TV, and we know what you’re thinking: Every TV is lickable if you’re brave enough. But this particular lickable television actually was invented to mimic flavors the user was seeing on the screen. So while you can lick any TV screen you see, this might be the first one actually worth licking. Welcome to 2022. Life only gets weirder from here on in.
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The trick to what makes this whole idea appealing is the pretty remarkable science behind the whole thing. According to Reuters, “The device, called Taste the TV (TTTV), uses a carousel of 10 flavor canisters that spray in combination to create the taste of a particular food. The flavor sample then rolls on hygienic film over a flat TV screen for the viewer to try.”
So in essence, if you are watching a film where the characters were eating a mango, you could then lick the screen and also partake in said delicious fruit. The inventor’s name is Homei Miyashita, and he simply wanted people to be able to experience different foods and flavors from the comfort of their own couch. Few can argue that it’s undeniably ambitious, but is it safe?
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The implications run deeper than just tasting some movie food. Imagine a game show where the contestant could partake from home? Or using it while learning to cook from a chef show? Miyashita also talks about how he wants to make an app where people could experience flavors with the same ease they use to listen to an MP3.
But there are also some questions involved that have yet to be answered such as is it safe to lick something that is plugged into an electric socket? As of right now, that has yet to be addressed, but regardless of that, this is truly the most 2022 story out there right now.
This lickable TV concept is still in the earliest tests and has a lot of details to be worked out, but we will definitely be keeping our eyes (and tongues) glued to this story.