Adult film star Emily Willis’ has allegedly woken up from “a vegetative coma” after suffering a cardiac arrest. However, her family continues to prepare for the worst.
Per TMZ, Willis was in critical condition after suffering a cardiac arrest in February. Via a statement from her father, she was reported to be breathing through a ventilator. There were no signs of any improvement and her family asked fans to prepare for the worst.
Willis is unresponsive and in a vegetative coma. All speculation of a drug overdose was dismissed after the toxicology report came back negative. A new report from, however, has given fans new hope.
Health Update on Adult Film Star Emily Willis
Per, Willis has “woken up” but is unable to move. Her brother was quoted as saying “Doctors aren’t anticipating any further improvement.” Willis’ family is prepared to move the actress to Utah so she can be closer to family and friends during her final moments.
Her family has also launched a GoFundMe to help pay for her medical bills.
“Every donation, no matter its size, will go directly towards easing these burdens, allowing us to devote our energy and resources to Emily’s healing,” a statement on the page reads. “Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers to give her the strength for recovery. Sharing this campaign far and wide also offers invaluable support, helping us reach hearts and hands that might lift us in our time of need.”