Some like it hairy; others like it smooth. If you’re on the latter team, then there’s a good chance summertime means salon time.
For many, maintaining a hair-free bikini line is a warm-weather must. But if you’re new to the wild world of wax, be sure to read this first.
Be Prepared For The Pain
This one probably goes without saying, right? Getting all of the hair around your hoo-ha ripped out isn’t going to feel amazing. But there are things you can do to prepare yourself.
Mobile salon service Le Salon suggests taking Advil around 30 minutes before your appointment. The painkiller will help ease discomfort and reduce the swelling associated with a fresh wax.
Holding on to (read: squeezing the sh!t out of) a stress ball or listening to your favorite music or podcasts can also help reduce discomfort.
Avoid Alcohol, Accutane & Other Similar Medications
Alcohol is a blood thinner. So, as appealing as a shot of liquid courage sounds, make sure to wait until after your appointment to imbibe.
Additionally, it would be best to discontinue using certain medications like steroids, antibiotics or prescription blood thinners at least two weeks prior to waxing.
Some acne medications, like Accutane, thin the skin and must be discontinued up to a whole year before waxing.
Set Yourself Up For Success
Hair should be right around ¼-inch long. Anything shorter is too short to wax; anything longer can result in greater pain.
Before your wax, avoid using lotions, oils or exfoliants on your bikini area. Just a shower and rinse (or a baby wipe or two) should do the trick.
You can also prep your body for the 10-30 minute session with some light stretches. The butterfly, child’s pose, yogi squat and side lunges can help open your hips and ease discomfort.
Finally, while some salons do perform waxes on menstruating clients, it’s best to avoid it if at all possible. You’re more sensitive to pain during your period. Why torture yourself if you don’t have to?
Don’t Forget About Aftercare
Your skin will be raw for a while after your wax, especially if it’s one of your firsts. Wear your softest cotton undies and comfy pants with plenty of room.
Avoid sweating, too. After a wax, the hair follicles are open and susceptible to bacteria and dirt. Give you and your lady a break by avoiding excessive heat and friction. Getting a Brazilian is a perfectly reasonable excuse to have a rest day.
For The Love Of All That’s Good, Don’t DIY
Unless you’re a salon tech or a contortionist, even the best-intentioned DIY Brazilians can cause major damage. Give yourself curtain bangs if you insist. But try to leave the bikini waxes to the professionals.
Too-hot wax can burn the skin. And using too-cool wax can literally rip your skin off. This can cause scabbing, scarring and hyperpigmentation — three words no one wants to associate with their labia, thanks.
If you’re new to the Brazilian wax game, fear not. Your spread eagle sessions will only get less awkward the more you go. Plus, hair follicles will weaken with continued waxing. So the more you wax, the less it will hurt! A dolphin-smooth win-win!
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