Salma Hayek is proving Little Miss Popular with her latest pool snap, one the 54-year-old actress shared as she gave off a #sundayvibes with her 18.5 million Instagram followers over the weekend. The MCU star, known for embracing the platform’s hashtags, was all smiles in a luxurious waterside setting on Sunday, with the snap taking in an infinity pool, exotic tiki huts, plus the Mexican bombshell’s famous good looks.
Posting from an undisclosed location, Hayek delighted her followers with her trademark low-key vibes, also affording an insight into her Kardashian-style vacation – fans are already questioning where the photo was taken, with many assuming Hayek is in Bora Bora.
Salma Hayek Sends Out Weekend Pool Vibes
The photo showed The Eternals star in selfie mode and wearing a loose blue shirt while backed by a jaw-dropping and serene pool, ocean waters, huts, plus a craggy rocks horizon. Hayek, going makeup-free as she sported reflective, cat-eye shades, smiled slightly, seemingly wanting fans to check out the lush setting behind her as semi-cloudy skies framed her.
In her caption, Hayek wrote: “#sundayvibes,” adding a #domingo – Spanish for Sunday. A like quickly came in from fellow travel-lover and sitcom star Jennifer Aniston. Fans, meanwhile, are trying to figure out the location – “Looks like Tahiti. Who can confirm?” one wrote.
Hayek made headlines in early 2021 for vacationing in a never-disclosed destination as she commenced her carousel of bikini snaps, ones that made headlines both for the curve display and, later, as Hayek revealed she finds posting swimwear photos “liberating.”
“I had to lose a lot of weight and exercise to get into the bikini towards the end of last year,” she told ET. “I’m glad I took a lot of pictures, I have no shame on it, because it was the first week of the vacation.”
“But after that first week and when I heard that everybody was going back into quarantine, I started eating again,” Hayek added. Weight has remained a hot topic in Salma’s interviews this year, with a more recent reveal seeing the star state she’s struggling to lose the weight she piled on for the upcoming movie House of Gucci, co-starring Lady Gaga and Al Pacino.
Salma is also fresh from releasing trailer footage of The Eternals with fans seeing her on horseback and shouting out the movie’s director Chloé Zhao.
“I felt butterflies in my stomach just getting a glimpse of Chloé Zhao’s elegant work. I’m immensely grateful to be a part of it. In case you are wondering, it’s me on the horse”, she captioned the video.