In its unyielding quest to disparage Meghan Markle, one tabloid is claiming Prince William is furious over her possessing one of Princess Diana’s watches. Markle being an alleged jewel thief is a surprisingly common story in tabloids, but Gossip Cop isn’t surprised anymore. Here’s the real story.
Markle Spotted Wearing Her Mother-In-Law’s Watch?
According to Woman’s Day, the Duchess of Sussex was spotted wearing a watch that could have belonged to Princess Diana. With the headline “The Fight For Diana’s Watch,” the tabloid credits, of all things, “an eagle-eyed blogger” who points out that Markle has a silver version of a gold watch Princess Diana had, and she “could be wearing the all-gold piece.” The jewelry sighting sparked a “frantic search at Kensington Palace” by the royal family.
Prince William Is Furious
The citing of what “could be” his mother’s watch has upset Prince William. The tabloid says the prince is “still so angry” about Finding Freedom, which the Sussexes did not contribute to. Knowing his brother gave his mother’s watch to Markle meant Prince William “nearly lost it.” This is just another tabloid story that tries to position Markle against the traditions of the royal family.
The Watch Predates Her Marriage
This story is simply not true. Markle does have a watch that looks similar to one belonging to Princess Diana, but she purchased this watch herself to celebrate Suits getting picked up for a third season. The “recent picture” provided is from 2016. Even if it was one of Princess Diana’s watches, would this really be a story worth telling? Markle has worn Princess Diana’s jewelry in the past, so it wouldn’t have been shocking for Prince William to see her wearing some now.
Kate Middleton Wears Princess Diana’s Jewelry Too
This story is yet another example of the double standard exhibited by tabloids toward Markle and Kate Middleton. Prince William proposed to Middleton with a ring belonging to his mother. Middleton has loads of jewelry from the royal family, yet we see no vitriol pointer her way. Only when Markle wears a similar watch does this tabloid cry foul.
Yet Another Bogus Story From This Tabloid
Woman’s Day is just another tabloid guilty of undermining the Duchess of Sussex. It said she and Prince Harry were broke and homeless. It claimed Markle had a secret daughter, and strangely claimed the Sussexes would move to Africa. These stories were inflammatory and outrageous, designed not to tell a true story but to sell magazines. Gossip Cop busted these stories, just as we’re busting this one about some supposed jewel anger.