Tragedy struck on the scene of the Marvel studio series Wonder Man. A crew member died after an accident on the set.
According to the Associated Press, a man, who was a rigger on the set, fell from the rafters of the studio. The studio giant released a statement in response to the tragedy.
“Our thoughts and deepest condolences are with his family and friends, and our support is behind the investigation into the circumstances of this accident,” a spokesperson said in a statement.
OSHA Will Investigate Rigger’s Death
According to the Associated Press, The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) will be investigating the rigger’s body. This is the second major studio death that has occurred recently. Star actor Alec Baldwin killed a photographer with a prop gun on the set of Rust in October 2021.
Following the rigger’s death, Matthew Loeb, President of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) says that the alliance plans to assist OSHA in their investigation.
“Everyone in the IA family is shocked and deeply saddened by this tragic loss. We are working to support our member’s family, and his fellow members and colleagues,” said Loeb. “Safety on set is our highest priority. And we will assist Cal/OSHA in their investigation in any way that we can.”
Doctor Says Marvel Stars Use PEDs
Marvel movies have become increasingly popular over the past few years. So actors get into incredible shape to fit the superhero-type builds. But Dr. Todd Schroeder revealed that the actors are maintaining these physiques with the assistance of performance-enhancing drugs.
“At least for the short term. I would say that fifty to seventy-five percent do. Nowadays, it’s kind of expected and, working under a doctor’s care, it’s really been accepted,” he said.
“A lot of actors won’t talk about it openly, but they will work with a physician as well as a nutritionist and a trainer, and it’s a team. So It’s not smart for an actor to do that alone. The big thing is, that you can take steroids, testosterone, different androgens, and growth hormone for a short period without any lasting effects on the body.