A recent video of an alleged “time traveler” is going viral on TikTok.
TikToker Alec Schaal posted a clip from his Ring camera of a man who entered his shed and never came out. At first, Alec thought someone was attempting to break into his home, which operates as an Airbnb five hours from where he lives in Florida. After seeing the footage of the man entering his shed, Alec called the cops.
After walking around the yard and looking in the shed for evidence of the man, the cops alert Alec that they didn’t find anyone.
“Was he not in that shed?” Alec asked the cops through his camera.
“No, he was not. There’s nobody in there.”
Alec then apologized for wasting their time but mentioned that he “didn’t see him leave the shed.”
The cops then went back into the shed, investigating even further — yet still coming up empty-handed.
Man Claims to Have Captured a “Time Traveler” In Viral TikTok Videos
One of Alec’s next update videos blew the minds of his audience. The clip features an older man (who resembles the younger guy who originally went into the shed) exiting the same shed the next day.
“This looks like the same guy … He noticeably aged,” Alec stated in his video.
He went on to explain that there had been no movement all night until the older man stepped out of the shed the next day.
“I don’t know, something’s going on,” he said to his TikTok audience. “Somebody explain what’s going on in my shed.”
Many TikTok users have been spewing theories in the comments of Alec’s videos.
“Did you see the video where they think they found the older guy and said he died?” asked one user, @brittgs_hair. “Steve Miller. Which is a great name for a time traveler. He lives in NM. He was on Reddit searching time traveler info.”
Another user, @mojohowitz34, commented, “Your shed is a portal? You should hang out in there for a night and see if you travel. Wasn’t that a full moon? Maybe it opens on a full moon 🌝🌕🌝.”
Of course, there are many skeptics.
“the amount of people that think this guy is a time traveler is INSANE 😂😂😂😂😂,” user @Cynicv2 wrote. Others chimed in stating their concern for the few “sane” individuals in the comments.
Whether or not the videos are real and the claims are true, it’s certainly an interesting story.