Kate Beckinsale just posted a hot new video to her Instagram page. “Here come the brides,” reads the caption. In the short, looping video, she’s walking with Markus Molinari, a jewelry designer and LGBTQ human rights activist at The Peppermint Club in West Hollywood. Beckinsale appears to be wearing a saucy all-black ensemble consisting of a blazer with a matching bra peeking out from underneath, shorts, and thigh-high boots.
The Underworld star has her tawny hair pulled back in a ponytail with just enough waves to make a sailor seasick. Molinari, on the other hand, is just as colorful as Beckinsale is dark. He’s rocking a multicolored muumuu and tops it all off with a vibrant headpiece and a golden clutch.
Something about Kate Beckinsale’s look (it’s the thigh-high boots) reminds us of our favorite superheroine, Wonder Woman. Beckinsale was actually offered the chance to play the fashionable Amazon warrior, but she turned it down. With an outfit like this, Beckinsale wouldn’t look out of place in the D.C. Universe. Maybe she’ll play a part opposite Gal Gadot’s Diana Prince one day. We can only hope that she’ll be back to kicking butt on the big screen soon.
Of course, we’re not surprised in the least that she’s still ruling over Instagram. Kate Beckinsale is known for her sharp tongue when it comes to social media. Her love life has been somewhat quiet, however, after her split from comedian Pete Davidson last year. The two were briefly involved with one another, and they seem to have parted ways amicably. The actress has been linked by some outlets to rapper and friend of Davidson, Machine Gun Kelly, after the two were seen at the same post-Oscars party. Neither have confirmed anything, so we’ll chalk it up to nothing but gossip for now.