Thursday, on the first anniversary of his late wife’s death, John Travolta took to Instagram to make a heartfelt announcement. The news is bittersweet, but Travolta revealed that the last movie Kelly Preston made before her passing will be released in theaters.
An Outpouring of Condolences
“Off the Rails is Kelly’s last film- she was very proud of it and of all of the wonderful talent that she got to work within it,” wrote the actor along with the film’s release date which will be available in the UK and Ireland starting July 23.
Travolta posted the full movie trailer, a heartfelt and sentimental film about four friends getting together one last time for a trip around Europe after the death of an old friend. The comedy-drama also stars Jenny Seagrove, Judi Dench, and Sally Phillips.
Preston’s costars paid tribute to the late actress with matching necklaces in her name and a tribute to her for the film’s red carpet event.
Being a beloved actor and family man, fans inundated Travolta’s post with an outpouring of love and condolences. “John, so happy for you, Ella, and Ben that you have this film that so radiantly beams Kelly’s talent and beauty. Sending love to all three of you,” said one fan
“How wonderful to watch this preview and know that your wife got to visit some very beautiful places and enjoy some wonderful times before she left her life on earth. I hope this gives you some comfort when you’re missing her. I hope when your watch this movie and you see her happiness you will feel peace,” another fan commented.
A Bittersweet Memory
Kelly passed away on July 12, 2020, after battling breast cancer for two years. Together, the two had a star-crossed love and built a family together. Though there have been rumors of the Pulp Fiction star leaving the Church of Scientology in the aftermath of his wife’s death, Travolta shows no signs of quitting anytime soon.
The star has in fact revealed that he relied on the church as a family to get him through the grief and heartbreak. Church or no church, it looks like Travolta’s and his fans are here for the beloved actor as well.
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