Famed actor Jackie Chan turned 70 years old on April 7. After sharing a host of photos on Instagram on his birthday fans became concerned. In the photos, the actor does not look like his usual self. But Chan took to Instagram to let everyone know that he is doing fine. He was just photographed while in character for his latest film.
“Not so long ago, friends saw some recent photos of me on the internet, and they were all concerned about my health,” Chan said.
“I want to take this opportunity to let everyone know, don’t worry! It’s just a character appearance for my latest movie.”
Jackie Chan Details Upcoming Film
In the upcoming film, Chan’s character requires him to have an older aesthetic. Yes even older than 70. The actor did not really go into detail about the specifics of the film. But he did say how fortunate he feels to still be in the business.
“The character requires me to have white hair, a white beard and look old. Over the years, I’ve always been willing to try new things for a movie, no matter if it’s a challenging stunt or a breakthrough appearance for a character. I’ve been in the entertainment business for 62 years and I cherish every moment because I’m lucky I’m still filming today,” Chan added.
“Recently my staff have been going through my photo archives and found so many memorable photos. I’ve selected a few to post with this message. Looking at these photos brings back so many fond memories. All I can say is: I love making movies and I love you all.”
Chan Reacts to Turning 70
Turning 70 is a pretty big deal. After hitting a milestone age, Chan says that even though 70 has become his new reality, at times he is still in disbelief.
“Every time I hear this number, my heart would stop for a second — I’m 70 years old already?” he said.
“After recovering from the shock, the second thing that would come to my mind is a saying that my big brother, Sammo Hung once said: ‘Being able to grow old is a fortunate thing.’ Especially for us stunt people; we don’t know how lucky we are to be able to grow old.”