Best known for hosting The Price Is Right from 1972 until 2007, Bob Barker was one of the most famous game show hosts of all time. He was also beloved for playing a hilarious version of himself in the 1996 Adam Sandler comedy, Happy Gilmore, and is an outspoken celebrity activist for animal rights.
We’re happy to report that Bob Barker is still alive and remarkably healthy for a man of his age. Here’s the inside scoop on this legendary game show host.
Bob Barker Is Still Alive And Well
Born in 1923, Bob Barker is rapidly approaching the status of a centenarian.
He retired from his long-time gig as The Price Is Right host in 2007. Since that time, he’s made a number of guest appearances on the show, including a return to celebrate his 90th birthday in 2013 and a surprise appearance for April Fool’s Day on April 1st, 2015.
He also continues to support the causes he’s passionate about, particularly when it comes to animal rights.
In August 2022, it was announced that he had donated millions of dollars to open Donkeyland Wildlife Sanctuary in southern California. The sanctuary will house hundreds of wild burros, keeping them safe from traffic and animal abusers.
Bob Barker Is Seemingly In Good Health For A Nonagenarian
The former Price Is Right host is doing remarkably well in his late 90s.
He had a few bouts with skin cancer while he was still working, which he admits was due to spending too much time in the sun. “It’s not going to be a problem at all if I take care of it,” the host told The Associated Press (via CBS News) in 2005. “Anyone who spends a great deal of time in the sun, or spent time in the sun, should see a dermatologist once or twice a year.”
Barker was hospitalized in 2015 and 2017 after suffering falls. Thankfully, he sustained no major injuries from either incident. He was also hospitalized twice for back pain in 2018.
He has remained healthy and safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, thanks to strict quarantining protocols and limited visits from family and friends.
Here’s What Bob Barker Credits To His Long-Lasting Life
So what’s Bob Barker’s secret to a long and healthy life? The PETA activist says it’s his vegetarian diet, which he’s been following for more than 40 years.
“I am a staunch believer in it,” he told the Vegetarian Times in 2012. “I became a vegetarian out of concern for animals, and I was a vegetarian for a very long time before I realized that many people become vegetarians out of concern for their health. I think they are absolutely right. I think it is the healthiest way to live.”
The game show host also said exercise has played a major role in his longevity.
“I was able to [work] until I was 83 for two reasons: 1. being a vegetarian 2. working out regularly,” he explained. “The answer to enjoying life is nutrition. I recommend that you become a vegetarian and exercise if you want to enjoy the golden years.”