In just under two weeks, Venus will go retrograde. Aptly nicknamed “the season of the ex,” Venus retrogrades bring about major relationship shifts. Sometimes this looks like twin flames or karmic connections entering our lives.
And other times, it looks like how it sounds: break-ups, rebounds, and everything in between. Now is the time to start working on number one: you.
When it comes to relationships, it always takes two to tango. Once the dance finally begins around December 19th, you’re going to want to know the steps.
Choose Your Sign
March 20 – April 19
Your need to be right has separated you from your roots. Is it worth being on top if there’s nothing (or no one) below to catch you fall? Sometimes, the walls we built to protect ourselves end up hurting us more than the reason the walls went up in the first place.
If you grow too disconnected from the outside world, then you’ll be less adaptable in the long run. Sure, that might mean falling in line with the crowd for a while. But you can manage.
Let others take the lead for once this week. It’s important to remember how to lean on someone else.
April 19 – May 20
For someone who’s normally a homebody, you’re eager to poke your head out of your shell, Taurus. Embrace it! Uranus in retrograde under your sign inspires you to challenge the norm, and your ruling planet, Venus, and Pluto are here to help.
Don’t be afraid to take charge in your love or home life. People confuse your strong will for sheer stubbornness. But deep down, you know there’s a huge difference between the two. When you set your mind to something, amazing things happen.
Trust your gut and your work ethic. You’re more than capable of facing new challenges head-on.
May 20 – June 21
You’re so preoccupied with putting your best face forward that you’ve forgotten what’s real. Life isn’t always easy, and people won’t always like you. That doesn’t mean you should stick your head in the sand and avoid conflict altogether.
Relationships are like rose bushes—for them to flourish, they need to be pruned. Similarly, we need to address the awkward and tense before enjoying the comfortable intimacy of friends, family, lovers, and even co-workers.
Yes, it might seem counterintuitive to rock the boat. But if the ship is strong enough, a little rocking isn’t going to be enough to sink it.
June 21 – July 22
You’ve been looking outward to find a cure for your inner restlessness, and it’s high time to double back. Beware of seeking happiness on someone else’s lawn. From their perspective, it’s your grass that’s greener.
Take time to focus on your immediate environment. Add something new to your daily routine, rearrange the furniture, or spend some quality, phone-free time with your family. The growing moon provides ample energy to take action this week; don’t pass it up.
When we spend time watering our own gardens, we have an easier time seeing just how green our own grass is. So, get out that watering can and get after it.
July 22 – August 22
Try to look at roadblocks like stepping stones this week, Leo. All the best things in life take work. And as much as you like center stage, sometimes that work involves the help of other people. Even lions roam in packs, and you’re no different.
Set aside your pride, and communicate your needs to those around you. You aren’t any less of a show-stopping diva just because you ask for help. If anything, having others involved helps you stay focused.
A first quarter moon passes through your ruling fifth house of pleasure mid- to late-week. Use its motivational energy to keep your nose to the grindstone and reap the rewards later.
August 22 – September 22
Neptune, a water planet, is in your ruling sixth house under Pisces, a water sign. All this water might come as a shock to your grounded earth sign. As a result, you’re feeling unusually swept up in emotional whims and worries. Stop swallowing them down, and start sorting fact from fiction.
Emotions aren’t always practical, which has always been one of your pet peeves. Nonetheless, they’re important. Sagittarian influence on your ruling planet of communication, Mercury, will keep you grounded as you face your feelings.
You’re never going to solve anything by sweeping it under the rug. The work you put in now will pay off in your work life and health overall.
September 22 – October 23
It’s a common misconception that past hurts make us stronger. In fact, they’ve made you softer—whether or not you’d like to admit it. Consequently, you’re quick to bite your tongue to avoid any potential trouble. But where does that leave you?
Aries, an aggressive, action-oriented sign, is in your ruling seventh house. Use this fiery influence to speak up for what’s right. The possibility of a fight shouldn’t prevent you from adhering to your beliefs.
You believe in fairness for all, and it’s time to start including yourself in the equation. Not only will your relationships benefit from a bit of tough love, but your self-esteem will also.
October 23 – November 22
While some people hop from comfort zone to comfort zone, you thrive in the in-between. You crave the adrenaline rush associated with stepping into the unknown. It’s in these transitory periods that you really get to show off your resourcefulness.
Now is the time to take action on a new business or artistic endeavor. Your ruling planet is flying under Caprician stars this week, effectively lighting a fire under your tush to stay on the grind. Meanwhile, Mars is under your sign, offering aggressive, action-oriented influence.
You have revelations about yourself to find within this transition period; start looking.
November 22 – December 21
Now that you’ve happened upon this fork in the road, which way do you plan to go? On the one hand, the urge to expand your horizons is exhilarating. On the other hand, you’ve grown comfortable in your surroundings.
Luckily, you’ve always been creative, and you’re sure to find a way to split the difference. Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box. Do things differently than normal. You might be surprised to find that you didn’t need to expand your horizons, just your comfort zone.
There is great power to be found in the leap toward the unknown.
December 21 – January 20
You’ve been feeling simultaneously overwhelmed with work and resentment for resting. Try to take solace in the fact that taking a breather isn’t going to send you back to square one. There is more to life than being professionally or socially successful.
And anyway, there is still work to be done—just not in the office. Shift your focus to your immediate environment and assess. What bad habits have crept into your daily routine? Where could you offer yourself a little more grace?
A clean house makes a clean office, metaphorically speaking. Don’t forget that the most important parts of our lives happen off the clock.
January 20 – February 18
It’s important to remember that our friends are not our emotional support animals. There’s nothing wrong with relying on our inner circle. However, be careful not to overload your friends and family with the weight of your emotional wellbeing.
This can look as obvious as constant venting or as inconspicuous as love-bombing. While you might have been used to relationships like this in the past, you’re not going to find healthy connections in those norms. To keep your relationships strong and healthy, it’s best to look inward.
Focus on your daily routine for ways to improve your personal health. That way, you can be there for your inner circle as much as they’re there for you.
February 18 – March 20
You’re on a journey of great emotional growth. As a result, you’re experiencing some mild growing pains. While it might be tempting to escape via daydreams, it’s important to stay clear and focused during this time.
A tree grows toward the light, and you are no different. Make sure that your light is worth growing toward. Becoming too self-indulgent in hard times carries the risk of relying too heavily on material things.
Virgo, a practical and detail-oriented sign, influences your ruling twelfth house of loss and hidden lives. Stay on this healing course for a little while longer; the discomfort will pass soon.