This week, Venus forms a harmonious trine with Makemake in retrograde, a dwarf planet that governs our activist spirit. Consequently, opportunities will arise this week that force us to consider whether our romantic or financial decisions are serving us to the best of their ability or if it’s time to let things go. This process will be difficult but rewarding.
A tense square between Hauma and Pluto suggests that anxieties will make it easy to question gut feelings. Don’t be afraid to take a second look before you leap. Alternatively, don’t be afraid to trust your intuition a bit harder this week. Even if the outcome isn’t what you expected, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s wrong.
How will your sign fare this week?
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Your needs will find a way to force themselves to the surface whether or not you take the time to address them. Rather than waiting for them to do so of their own accord, why not take matters into your own hands and confront them head-on? If the end result will be the same no matter what, you might as well select the option that gives you the most control.
Early in the week, your ruling planet, Mars, joins a celestial traffic jam when it conjoins with Chiron, a dwarf planet that governs our most vulnerable soft spots, and forms a tense square with Ceres, a dwarf planet that governs our need to be and feel nurtured. The stars urge you not to ignore your gut feelings this week, Aries. They’re more insightful than you realize.
A routine can be valuable, but it can also be a detriment if you’re not careful. As uncomfortable as this unexpected shakeup to your schedule might feel at first, don’t be so quick to brush off this opportunity. Your celestial alignment indicates this change will be difficult but worthwhile. Give yourself a little more time to adjust before deciding whether or not to proceed.
Be wary of your stubborn streak making you believe that something isn’t worth pursuing just because it’s different. Anxiety doesn’t necessarily equate to a premonition. Experiment with leaning into the butterfly feeling in your stomach. You might be surprised by how much you enjoy life outside the confines of your comfort zone.
Never underestimate the universe’s ability to surprise you, Gemini. Your ruling planet, Mercury, conjoins with Uranus under Taurus in the 8th House of Reincarnation and Mental Health. Consequently, life might seem a little rockier than usual. Prepare to have your beliefs and ways of thinking challenged. Indeed, the cosmos are seeking to cut the fat.
Even an idea that seems like a no-brainer at one time can quickly misalign with your values. This isn’t a sign that you have failed somehow. On the contrary, it’s important to acknowledge how significant it is that you noticed the problem in the first place. A challenge isn’t a death knell. You’re more capable of handling this shakeup than you think.
When we find ourselves wrestling with a recurring issue or question in our lives, it’s often because the solution is one we’re not ready to reconcile with yet. Rest assured, Cancer: you can’t wait this hurdle out. Your cosmic alignment toward the end of the week suggests it’s time to face this cognitive dissonance once and for all.
Letting go of facets of our lives — even if they no longer serve us — is a painful process. Be forgiving of yourself as you go through this transition phase. The discomfort won’t last forever, but unfortunately, you have to experience it a bit before it will go away for good. You’ll come out stronger on the other side. Don’t exhaust yourself in the meantime fighting the inevitable.
Instant gratification can have negative effects on our long-term satisfaction. Changes in weather and season can encourage us to focus on the pleasurable and fun. But life’s logistics don’t go away just because the sun came out, Leo. Be cautious of overspending — be it financially or metaphysically in terms of emotional and mental attention.
Navigate life through the lens of your goals and values this week. If you can tell that a new endeavor or responsibility is going to detract you from this path, take a good, hard look at whether you should commit. The cosmos suggest a far greater outcome by advocating for yourself than bending over backward to please everyone around you.
Sometimes, life’s unexpected roadblocks save us from worse fates further down the road. While this might not be the situation you wanted, it’s the one you have. Now, all that’s left to do is make the most of it. You can either waste time fighting it, or start adjusting your mindset now. Certainly, you know which option is the most productive.
These obstacles will most likely present themselves toward the end of the week when your ruling planet, Mercury, flies in conjunction with Uranus under the 8th House, which governs our mental health. Allow yourself to experiment and explore before making your mind up about anything. Decisions made without the full information often begets mistakes, Virgo.
The discoveries revealed in last weekend’s full moon in Sagittarius are ready to be turned into tangible action. What will you do to facilitate this process? Your cosmic alignment suggests prosperity and good fortune in either the love or finance department. But remember from last week, Libra: no pain, no gain. Sometimes, the best things in life come at the greatest cost.
Keep your head down as you work through these challenges. As long as your words and actions are rooted in love, it’s hard to go wrong. Trust your instincts, but be sure to extend that same faith to the universe. The two are not mutually exclusive. One can lead you the right way in one situation, but the other can do the same. Keep an open mind.
You have a keen sense of perception. Be sure to use this skill to your advantage, Scorpio. If something seems out of the ordinary, then it’s worth a second look. You don’t necessarily have to change course altogether. But if you’re on the right path, what would a moment’s pause to double-check hurt? If it’s meant to be, then it will find a way to happen.
Chances are, the gut feelings you have are there for a reason. The sooner you attend to them, the sooner you can alleviate these mental and emotional burdens. Indeed, you must ask yourself an important question. What’s worse: the discomfort of going through a change or the discomfort of knowing something is amiss but doing nothing to stop it?
Ambition without direction can quickly become more chaotic than you anticipated, Sag. As admirable as your go-getter attitude is, you’d be wise to direct this energy more thoughtfully. The stars urge you to focus this motivation somewhere specific. Not only will this use your emotional and mental resources more wisely. It will also be far less daunting than the alternative.
Of course, learning how to divert this attention in the most efficient way can require some experimentation. You might not get it right on the first try — or the second, third, or fourth. What’s important is that you keep trying anyway. The name of this game is quality, Sag, not quantity. A wide net doesn’t always yield the best results.
The idea of work-life balance implies a false sense of duality that simplifies a rather complex situation. Your obligations don’t stop at your professional or familial duties, Cap. You also have a responsibility to take care of yourself. Doing so isn’t a matter of frivolity; it’s a necessity. The stars urge you to tend to your wants and wishes this week.
There is a way to advocate for yourself without being selfish, despite what your people-pleasing tendencies might be telling you. Eventually, your subconscious is going to find a way to get its point across. Wouldn’t you rather have some say in how that’s happening? Even a little bit of “you” time can make a world of difference in your ability to care for others.
If anyone can handle these unexpected changes, it’s you, Aquarius. As unsettling as this change feels right now, rest assured in your abilities to navigate uncharted territory. Moreover, don’t be afraid to reach out to others who might benefit from your experience. Sometimes, we experience the hardships we do so that we can help others go through the same thing.
Clarity amidst the chaos will come later in the week. Keep your eyes and heart open to new ways to make something positive out of the negative. The silver linings might not make themselves as readily available as you’d like, but that doesn’t mean that they’re not there. Keep looking — this situation will make sense in due time.
The positive upswing from last week continues into this week, Pisces. Now’s the time to get comfortable on the path you’re on, and keep trudging forward. The prosperity that awaits you doesn’t come without its fair share of hard work. Luckily, the sooner you start, the quicker you can relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Part of this hard work involves letting go of things that are weighing you down along the way. Don’t be afraid to entertain the possibility that even the most familiar aspects of our lives require occasional check-ups. The stars urge you to consider what negative habits or mindsets you can release to make it easier to move to the next stage of personal growth.