We’re only one week into Aries season, and this fiery sign is wreaking havoc en masse. A New Moon flies under Aries on March 31 and April 1, but this is no April Fool’s joke. This cosmic clash of opposing forces is anything but funny.
When hot and cold air collide, it creates a violent, turbulent tornado. The same can be said about the New Moon and Aries. While the former demands rest, reflection, and pause, the latter requires action and confrontation.
The two powerful forces will have their tête-à-tête within the 7th House of Relationships. So, the entire Zodiac can buckle up for rocky roads ahead.
March 20 – April 19
A chance occurrence caused past memories to resurface, hurting your feelings all over again. You feel compelled to confront the problem head-on. However, that isn’t the right approach this time. Sometimes the greatest change happens in silence.
April 19 – May 20
Despite your best efforts, the environment around you is changing. Rarely do your expectations match the reality presented to you, and you’re starting to let it get to you. But is it really the environment that’s in the wrong? Or is it you?
May 20 – June 21
Your inability to stand firm in your beliefs has caused resentment to fester within you. Eventually, everything you bottle up is going to find a way out. You can either start now and open it slowly, or you can procrastinate until it violently erupts—your call.
June 21 – July 22
Just because your emotions are legitimate doesn’t mean they can’t lead you astray. You lead with your heart in almost every situation, but this week calls for insight from the head. Ignoring logic and pragmatism has its own set of consequences.
July 22 – August 22
You love deeply (both yourself and others), making you more sensitive than people might expect. While there’s nothing wrong with taking time to lick your wounds, it’s important to ask yourself: are you really still hurting? Or are you enjoying the drama?
August 22 – September 22
You have keen foresight that allows you to weigh all potential outcomes. Paired with your intense work ethic, this means you can avoid many problems before they occur. But that doesn’t mean everyone prefers this tack, and you certainly can’t force them.
September 22 – October 23
Diving headfirst into other people’s problems isn’t going to solve your own. Instead of trying to steady someone else’s course, why don’t you work on doing the same to yours? What are you hiding from while immersing yourself in others’ lives?
October 23 – November 22
You never do things halfway. Indeed, when you commit, you commit entirely. As commendable as this might be, expecting others to do the same is a recipe for disappointment. It’s also indicative of how much of your ego is wrapped up in your loyalty.
November 22 – December 21
As a fellow fire sign, you feel Aries’ restless energy more acutely than others. This is especially true right now in the still, stagnant New Moon. Your challenge this week will be to find a way to appreciate the expansion that can occur in small increments.
December 21 – January 20
There’s a fine line between helping and overstepping boundaries, and it’s one that you’ve had some difficulty walking. Just because you might have the answer to someone’s problems doesn’t mean they’re ready to hear it. Are you ready to hear that?
January 20 – February 18
Life is offering you a valuable lesson this week. Regardless of whether you choose to ignore or heed it, the situation remains. So, pretending that the problem will go away with indifference or inaction is a moot point. But you already knew that, right?
February 18 – March 20
While others might struggle to rest and recharge, you suffer from the opposite problem. Your propensity for escapism makes it difficult to get moving again once this week’s New Moon begins to wax. But you’ll have to follow the tide if you want to stay above water.