Meghan Trainor recently shared an adorable video of her son, who she shares with actor Daryl Sabara. The one-year-old just reached a pretty significant milestone, and the pop star and her husband were excited to celebrate!
Trainor’s Son Sports Adorable New Glasses
“Sweet baby Riley got glasses,” Trainor captioned a video of the toddler. The text on the video itself reads, “POV: your son can finally see you clearly for the first time ever.” The video shows Trainor and Sabara playing with Riley at home, laughing and running around their living room.
Fans and followers loved the sweet video of the family. “Awwww…he look so adorable!” someone commented. Another wrote, “He’s the cutest!!!! Gosh!” Someone else commented, “Um how’s he even CUTER with glasses?! He’s just the cutest thing.”
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Trainor and Sabara met at a house party in 2014, but didn’t start dating until 2016. They got engaged the following year, and tied the knot in 2018 on Trainor’s 25th birthday. In 2020, Trainor announced on the Today Show that the couple was expecting their first child together. They welcomed Riley in February of 2021.
Trainor Dishes On Being A Popstar And A Mom
The popstar is getting ready to launch another album, Takin’ It Back, which is set to release on October 21, 2022. She recently talked to People about how her approach to making music has changed since becoming a mom.
“The schedule’s different because I told everyone, ‘Get at my house at 11 a.m. and get out by 6 p.m.’ So we would write a song and then I’d be like, ‘It’s dinner time, goodbye,’” Trainor explained. “And we would have baby breaks. I could be like, ‘Be right back, guys. I’m going to go give my kid a bath.’ I’m lucky to have my studio right here in my house. A lot of people are like, ‘I don’t like work at home.’ I love it; I don’t want to go anywhere!”
“The luxury of that was significant, and I’m lucky enough that I can work from home and see my baby,” she continued. “It made me really just respect mamas who work even more. I’m lucky that I get to see him.”
Trainor On Riley’s Glasses: ‘I Don’t Know How He’s Going To Keep Them On’
Trainor also talked a bit about Riley’s new glasses, saying, “He’s a person. He’s got a personality nowadays. And we found out yesterday that he needs glasses and he’s going to be so freaking cute! They’re going to, like, be strapped around his little head.”
“I don’t know how he’s going to keep them on,” she laughed. “I doubt it. My kid takes pots and pans and just slams them and doesn’t flinch. He’s just like, no ways and destruction. So I don’t see it happening, but we’ll see.” As we can see in Trainor’s recent video, Riley seems to be managing his new glasses just fine!