The new Moon indicates periods of rest, recharging, and transformation. This week’s new Moon promises to be especially positive as it forms an auspicious trine with Ceres, a dwarf planet that governs what we need to feel nurtured, nurture others, the family spirit, and personal transitions. Moreover, Ceres is currently in the 4th House of Home & Family.
Thus, the stars indicate shifts within our closest relationships this week. As is often the case when it comes to emotional connection, it would be wise to prepare for the skies to get a little stormy before they inevitably clear. These transitions are rarely easy, but they’re always worth it.
How will your sign fare this week?
Choose Your Sign
As urgent as this matter might feel, there is more time to spare in this ongoing conversation than you think. There is a significant difference between speaking because you have something useful to say and speaking so that you can fill the uncomfortable silence. There are far more potential consequences in the latter than the former, Aries.
Thus, it’s imperative that you take time to choose your thoughts wisely. If you don’t have your feelings completely organized, then say so. You don’t need to pretend like you’ve made your mind up if you haven’t. It’s far better to be honest with where your headspace is than to make something up and risk causing more problems than you had in the first place.
Coming to terms with new realities or ways of thinking is a challenge. Give yourself some grace while you adjust to this different type of normal, Taurus. You’ve come a long way. Be wary of letting your impatience ruin your progress thus far. During periods of major adjustment, it can be useful to ground yourself by focusing on positive familiarities.
Because as much as it might feel like your entire world has gone topsy-turvy, this transition isn’t nearly as holistic as it appears. Take time to connect with an old friend or relatives you haven’t spoken to in a while. Revisit one of your favorite pastimes or hobbies. Things aren’t as foreign as they seem. You’re better equipped to handle this than you’re giving yourself credit for.
Brace yourself for bumpy emotions this week, Gemini. As your ruling planet travels between Chiron, a dwarf planet that governs our most vulnerable soft spots, and Eris, which governs our rebellious spirit, you’re liable to find yourself in situations where it might be tempting to act out of spite. As you’ve learned before, this causes more problems than solves them.
Taking the high road is not always easy, and it’s made doubly difficult when we feel like the other party is in the wrong. But rest assured: two wrongs aren’t going to make a right in this situation. Sometimes, the only closure we receive is our own decision to make peace with our circumstances. You must learn to find a way to be happy with that alone.
As someone who feels every emotion — good or bad — so intensely, it can be difficult for you to find a happy medium between the highest highs and sinking lows. The stars urge you to take some time this week to build a bridge between these two extremes. It won’t be perfect on your first attempt. Indeed, it’ll likely even be shaky on your first or second.
Nevertheless, learning how to remain grounded amidst life’s inevitable ebbs and flows is a necessity, Cancer. The destabilizing effects of these peaks and valleys tend to be accumulative. The longer you put off finding this balance, the harder it will be to start. You’re only doing your future self a disservice by avoiding this for as long as you have.
If you need a concrete reason for why it’s unwise to use other people’s opinions as your guidepost for your own self-worth, let it be this: humans are fickle at best. Others’ feelings about us are largely reflections of their internal dialogue with themselves. We have our egos to thank for the blurred lines between what is and isn’t merely a projection.
Your ruling celestial body, the Sun, forms a harmonious trine with Ceres, a dwarf planet that governs the way we nurture our inner self, toward the end of the week. Use this auspicious alignment to your advantage. Find ways to recenter yourself, whether it be gratitude journaling, meditation, or treating yourself to something nice. You ought to be your biggest fan, Leo.
Beware of keeping score when it comes to matters of interpersonal conflict, Virgo. These figures rarely make the point you think they do. While it might seem to bolster your defense, it only weakens opportunities for authentic connection in the future. Don’t underestimate the ability of your pride to stand in the way of healthy relationships.
Unfortunately, your planetary alignments indicate emotional turbulence this week. Be prepared for tensions to be high, and most importantly, be prepared for the very real possibility that you won’t be able to automatically fix it. Take this opportunity to dig a little deeper into the underlying cause of this conflict. What could this be trying to tell you? The other party?
The stars are aligning for great transformations ahead, Libra. Your hard work is paying off, and soon, you’ll see the rewards for your efforts come back tenfold. Whatever you do, don’t lose steam now. Keep pushing toward these goals in the home stretch. The Sun will illuminate your path this week as it escorts your ruling planet, Venus, across the 8th House of Reincarnation.
Limit distractions and unnecessary expenditures to the best of your ability this week. Consider whether a new purchase or endeavor aligns with your end goals, and if it doesn’t, then move on. If something is meant to be, it will find its way back to you eventually. The stars urge you not to gamble away the prosperity in wait.
Working past your mental, emotional, and physical limits will only do more harm in the long run, Scorpio. The ground you think you’re covering by working overtime will be lost when you inevitably sputter out, and then what? Although it might seem counterintuitive at the moment, these periods of downtime are necessary to maintain efficient progress forward.
This cognitive dissonance between wanting to cover ground and needing a break will come to a head early in the week. Take some time to assess your priorities. Not every goal needs to be attended to all the time. It’s all about balance. Give a little bit of attention here, take some time off there. There are ways to make this workload less cumbersome.
Your celestial alignment indicates a shift in a close relationship for the better happening later this week. Keep your mind and heart open to the possibility of being surprised by how this shift might look. The universe has a funny way of letting things fall into place, and it rarely abides by our preconceived notions of what should or shouldn’t happen.
Uranus following closely behind your ruling planet, Jupiter, doubly guarantees this unpredictability throughout the week. The name of the game this week is flexibility. Allow communication to flow freely. Now’s not the time to outwit fate, Sag. Let the cards fall where they may, then figure out how you want to play your hand.
As uncomfortable as conflicts from last week were, try to focus on the positives of this situation. Boundaries aren’t a bad thing, Cap. In fact, they can strengthen relationships by eliminating resentment and facilitating respect from either party. You should be proud that you were able to reach a resolution, even if it didn’t feel good right away.
There is plenty to be grateful for, and your planetary alignment certainly reflects this positivity. Ceres, which governs what we need to be nurtured, familial energy, and transitions, forms a harmonious trine with Jupiter, which governs good fortune and prosperity under your sign and Taurus, respectively. Stay grounded, and watch how this fixes things for the better.
Significant changes are coming, Aquarius, and the stars indicate that they’re overwhelmingly positive. Still, that doesn’t always calm the fears associated with the unknown — particularly for a fixed sign like yourself. But rest assured, if there were anyone properly equipped to navigate this uncharted territory, it would absolutely be you.
Don’t be so hesitant to rely on yourself this week. A little bit of caution is healthy, but make sure to give your intuition and life experience the credit they deserve. Allow the lessons of your past to guide you through this transition. Despite how novel this all feels, you’ve been through similar situations before. You have more solid ground to stand on than you think.
As your ruling planet, Neptune, travels outside your sign and into nearby Aries’ realm throughout the week, you’re liable to feel increasingly out of your element. Rather than exhausting yourself by swimming against the tide, try to go with the flow as best you can. There are benefits to getting outside of your comfort zone every now and then.
A positive sextile between Neptune and Pluto, which governs significant transformation, and Jupiter, which governs good fortune, indicates immense prosperity ahead. Fight the urge to run from the unfamiliar. The discomfort you feel in these new situations will serve as an invaluable personal growth opportunity. Don’t miss the chance to grow while you have it.