One week into Aries season, we’re dealing with fierce conjunctions between Venus, Mars, and Saturn. This powerful mash-up involves every element and, in turn, lots of conflicting opinions. Whether with yourself or those around you, clashing ideals abound.
This week, many signs will have to learn a hard lesson: you don’t always get what you want. (I won’t finish the Rolling Stones lyric, don’t worry—but they are right.) Sometimes, what you subconsciously need is more important than what you consciously want.
Our perspective is limited and nearsighted. But the stars can see the whole picture. In a week as turbulent as this, trusting the latter’s counsel might be your best bet.
March 20 – April 19
Last week marked the start of your season and its corresponding spring fever. That same restlessness continues into this week. So, hold firm, Aries. As uncomfortable as this stagnancy feels right now, it’s what your subconscious needs. The lessons you learn in these pauses will have major impacts on your overall philosophy.
Distract yourself by returning to nature this week. Or help a friend or family member with a new project. Finding ways to channel your energy without jumping your own gun will help pass the time until you’re actually ready to move forward.
April 19 – May 20
Your romantic life and actual reality have conflicted lately. Consequently, your mental health has been suffering. Indeed, not getting what you want is a bitter pill for you to swallow. While it might not be the most pleasant experience, that doesn’t make it less crucial to your personal development.
Wallowing in self-pity won’t get you there, nor will stubbornly digging in your heels. If you refuse to learn how to go with the flow, you will continue to run into conflict. Greater flexibility will improve your personal and professional relationships alike.
May 20 – June 21
Your analytical skills might be top-notch. But if you never act on the information you find, then what good is it? You’re smart enough to know there is something in your life that needs fixing. Now, are you bold enough to take the necessary steps forward? Tremendous emotional growth is waiting for you to decide.
You have the potential to make a significant, permanent change in your life. The stars are aligned in your favor, but they can’t make the change for you. You have to meet them halfway. So, what are you waiting for?
June 21 – July 22
The waning moon is passing through three deeply personal houses this week. As such, you might feel weighed down by emotional baggage. However, you have an important distinction to make. How old is this baggage exactly? Chances are, you’ve been carrying a load that is several years old. Isn’t it high time to get rid of it?
Critical Mercury will offer the clarity and insight to figure it out. Take special care not to let your deeply rooted emotions cloud the realizations you find. Your intuition is trying to speak to you this week. Pause. Listen. Release.
July 22 – August 22
Recent conflicts in your life have left you feeling drained and exhausted. Unfortunately, most of the conflict has happened in areas of your life that generally recharge your batteries—romance, children, creativity. You’re feeling particularly wayward this week, but rest assured these feelings won’t last forever.
Most importantly, you’re entitled to rest. Conflict is taxing; there’s no way around it. The fact that you need to take a breather doesn’t signal that you’re weak. Rather, it shows that you are deeply attuned to your subconscious wants and needs.
August 22 – September 22
Professional success is great. But if you never take the time to improve your personal relationships, then your ascent to the top will be a lonely one. And at that point, is it really worth it? Last week, a fork in the road forced you to choose between your career and mental health. Apparently, you’re still stuck deciding.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to accomplish your goals. But it’s time to honestly assess to what end these goals lead you. Are you trying to be successful? Or are you trying to be happy?
September 22 – October 23
You know better than anyone that words can pack a powerful punch. This is especially true of your words. The people around you rely on you as a source of levelheadedness and empathy. There’s great power in this; what are you doing with it?
Tense planetary alignments are making you feel more confrontational this week. But be careful of the bridges you burn while in this fiery state. Sooner or later, this wave of energy will pass. Make sure you’re not standing alone when it does.
October 23 – November 22
Despite your tough exterior, you have deeply rooted insecurities that stem from people in your past hurting you. Your bonds of loyalty are so intense that when someone breaks them, it sends you reeling for years. A relationship in your life is attempting to expand, but a voice in your head encourages you to hold back.
That voice is wrong. Your mental health depends on you entertaining the possibility that things could be different. If you’re constantly looking for traps, then you’re bound to find them. The only problem is that you’re the one who set them.
November 22 – December 21
Normally, you value principles over feelings. But something has been making you feel extra sentimental lately (hint: it’s Neptune). Indeed, the planets call you to focus on your spiritual growth this week. There might not be as many bells and whistles. Regardless, it’s a critical facet of your overall being.
Consider your options carefully this week. Opportunities might arise that are good for your career, but what are their effects on your soul? Nourish the latter, and the rest will follow in time. You’re on the precipice of great change—what will you do with it?
December 21 – January 20
While you are neat and pragmatic, conflict is messy and illogical. So, you’re not great at it. And once you’ve mastered one fight, you tend to latch onto it as your saving grace. Every new conflict returns to where the old one started because you don’t feel confident treading in uncharted waters.
Have faith in your ability to navigate the waves. You put your nose so close to the grindstone that it’s easy for you to forget all you’ve accomplished and overcome. Either way, applying one conflict’s solution to all of them is not the way to get out of this.
January 20 – February 18
You have been chomping at the bit to pursue a new professional or creative goal. Yet, there seems to be one roadblock after interrupting your journey. Don’t consider them setbacks; think of them as “challenges” to move onto the next level. What you’re learning now will set you up for success down the road.
Of course, you’ll never realize that if you keep bucking against reality. You can keep your overall path in mind while also going with the flow. It makes walking the path considerably easier (read: less stressful).
February 18 – March 19
Last week’s finale of the Zodiac cycle left you feeling tender and raw. You’ve been hyperaware of feelings of nostalgia and sentimentality—and a little bit of loneliness, too. While you’re no stranger to these feelings, they’re not always the most convenient. And right now, you’re neck-deep in matters that require logic, not emotion.
It might seem counterintuitive, but even these no-nonsense problems could use a little bit of whimsy. Don’t compartmentalize yourself into a different person. There are ways to use your soft, emotional side to accomplish your calculated, material goals.