This week, a powerful conjunction between Venus, Pluto, and Mars situates itself on the cusp of the 4th and 5th House just in time for Valentine’s Day on Wednesday. Venus governs our senses of self, love, and money; Pluto governs transformation; and Mars governs our ability to assert ourselves, aggression, and power. Blend the three together, and we’re looking at a potent opportunity for major changes in our love and finances.
The placement of this conjunction is important, too. Situated between the 4th House of Home & Family and the 5th House of Pleasure, this cosmic alignment indicates that these shifts will occur close to home. With the Moon gaining more motivational power as it waxes into its first quarter phase by the end of the week, now is the time to act on our desires and needs.
What might this action look like for your sign this week?
Choose Your Sign
You can’t keep your needs and desires to yourself and then get mad when no one acknowledges them, Aries. As convenient as it would be to have everyone read your mind, you’re signing up for a lifetime of disappointment by waiting around for them to do so. Luckily, this problem can be easily solved with a bit of communication on your part.
It will help to sort your thoughts before presenting them to others. Take some time to reflect on what it is you feel like you’re missing. Think about what you’d like to see or receive in your life. Then, be specific when sharing these details with others. All parties will be better off for it.
Even at its most positive, change can be intensely challenging and, at times, overwhelming. Unfortunately, there is no cheat code to work around this reality. All that you can do is practice sitting with this discomfort as the novelty fades and familiarity sets in. The quicker you allow yourself to acclimate to this process, the quicker the entire ordeal can be over.
This will be particularly difficult for you and your signature stubborn streak. Give yourself some grace to fumble on the first few steps forward. Just like with anything else in life, this endeavor will become easier the more you work at it. Keep pushing ahead, and try not to lose faith.
It’s high time you stop putting other people’s needs ahead of your own, Gemini. The fact that those around you have grown accustomed to this behavior isn’t a justification for continuing it. In fact, learning how to prioritize yourself for once will allow you to see who is in your life out of love and respect and who is in your life for their own personal benefit.
The stars are lining in your favor this week, Gemini. They call you to be your best and loudest advocate. Forget the questioning stares of those disaffected by your move toward self-compassion. The ones who matter will not only encourage this step in the right direction; they’ll be glad you finally took it.
Be careful not to underestimate your ego and anxiety’s abilities to mislead you, Cancer. When we refuse to be honest with ourselves, our minds often fabricate something new in place of the reality that stands before us. As pleasant as this might feel compared to real life, certainly someone as intuitive as you knows that it’s a recipe for disaster.
Pay close attention to your emotional responses this week. Try to take them as they come without overzealous explanation or rationalization. Lean into the chaotic. Embrace the irrational. There will be time for pruning and polishing later. For now, the stars call you to process this information as it comes with an open mind and heart.
While there is certainly merit to cautious optimism, the stars warn against allowing this hopeful attitude to sink further into dangerous naivete. Be wary of those who stroke your ego too forcefully. What might they be trying to distract you from in the meantime? Paranoia is one thing; mindful self-awareness — and awareness of those around you — is another.
This type of awareness requires a clear mental state and direct communication. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you have them. If the answer was something displeasing, then it’s better to know that sooner than later. You’ll save yourself a lot of heartache in the future by taking care of these uncertainties now.
Don’t be so quick to write off self-care and compassion as a frivolous, occasional endeavor. Learning how to best take care of oneself requires practice, just like any other skill. The more time that passes in between tries, the harder it will become. From a logical standpoint, it would be more efficient to keep up this practice regularly as opposed to saving it for special moments.
Self-care doesn’t always have to look like cucumbers over the eyes and a bubble bath up to your neck (although, by all means, try that on for size, too). Sometimes, the kindest thing we can do for ourselves is set boundaries and stick to them. Stop saying yes when you really want to say no.
The fear of rejection is a powerful thing, Libra. But so is the stagnancy of never acting on your true emotions. As terrifying as the unknown might seem right now, rest assured, becoming embittered and trapped inside your own comfort zone is an even worse fate. Either way, you’re taking a risk. Why not take the risk that has the greater potential for reward?
The universe will present an opportunity for you to speak your truth toward the end of the week. Don’t let the chance slip you by out of fear of others not hearing or accepting what you have to say. It’s better to know about someone’s willingness to take your needs into consideration than to allow them to break your heart further down the road.
What is most familiar isn’t always the most beneficial, Scorpio. The quicker you learn this lesson in life, the less heartache you’ll have to work through. Listen to what your instincts are telling you. Your subconscious mind is far more attuned to what’s going on in the conscious realm than you give it credit for. Don’t let its subtle communication style convince you otherwise.
Whether financial, romantic, or personal, the stars are urging you to face this discomfort head on. Indeed, the problem you’re facing won’t shrink — or, better yet, disappear — because you ignored it long enough. On the contrary, this tangled knot will only grow harder and more overwhelming to unravel.
Don’t be so quick to shoot down new ideas just because you weren’t the one who came up with them. While it’s true that not every viewpoint is always correct, that reality can also be applied to you, Sag. The constant ebb and flow of the universe is far easier to manage when you maintain a flexible mindset. Rigidity is rarely the sign of strength you think it is.
Trusting in others can be anxiety-inducing, especially when doing so has let you down in the past. But refusing to rely on anyone else in the future won’t change what’s already happened to you. It will only limit your ability to experience new things, develop stronger relationships, and become a wiser, more empathetic person.
Are these problems you’re facing really that hard to manage, or could it be that you’re keeping yourself so distracted that you don’t even know what you’re running from in the first place? Avoidance with no subject is more exhausting than dealing with the problem head-on, Cap. You’d save yourself a lot of time and energy by figuring out the root cause of the issue.
Luckily, the cosmos appear to be aligning in your favor. If you can get through the temporary discomfort, there will be great prosperity waiting for you on the other side. Refusing to face your problems won’t protect the past versions of yourself that have already been hurt. It will only end up creating new pain for your future self to deal with.
Contrary to our own beliefs, we don’t always know the best way forward. Sometimes, we require a helpful nudge from the universe to know which direction to take on our life path. You can dig your heels in the dirt and refuse to listen all you want, but that won’t change the ground from shifting beneath you. One way or another, the cosmos will prevail.
Blind faith can be difficult for someone as headstrong as you to hold onto, but that’s exactly what this situation requires. Whatever you do, don’t close your eyes and hope the path will correct itself to your liking in the meantime. All this will do is guarantee you’re even more lost than when you started.
Be wary of letting your anxiety discredit pursuits your ambition is ready to handle, Pisces. While it’s true that we might not achieve every goal or conquer every climb, you can guarantee this to be so by never trying in the first place. What’s the harm in shooting for the stars? In the worst-case scenario, you will have found a path that either doesn’t work or isn’t right for you.
But in the best-case scenario, you will have opened yourself up to the possibility of greatness. Your energy is valuable, and just as importantly, time is fleeting. Don’t waste these essential resources while you have them. Take that first step. If you falter, there will be plenty more first steps to take.