Choose Your Sign
Sometimes, taking action doesn’t feel good, no matter how justified you might be in your decision. Don’t take this discomfort as a sign you’re headed down the wrong path, Aries. The temporary unease you feel in this new situation is well worth the rewards that await.
There will always be a million reasons not to invest in something. But why not try it anyway? Consider your future self when deciding which efforts to devote your financial, mental, and emotional resources to, Taurus. Today is just as good a day to start as any.
The sooner you stop criticizing yourself for making a mistake and start learning from the experience, the better, Gemini. You can’t control what’s already happened. All you can do is pick up the pieces and do your best to avoid it in the future. Keep your eyes locked ahead.
Asserting yourself might not come naturally to you, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. No one else is waiting to swoop in and save the day for you. You are the one most equipped to handle this obstacle, Cancer. It’s high time you start believing in yourself for once.
Be careful of acting too quickly on gut instincts. While your intuition might get it right some of the time, it’s not a foolproof guarantee. A few extra minutes of consideration won’t hurt your progress if it’s something actually worth pursuing. Take your time with this one, Leo.
The universe is rife for misunderstandings today, Virgo. As tempting as it might be to blow through your interactions with others out of convenience, the stars urge you to speak more slowly. Now’s not the time for doublespeak. Say your truth loudly, firmly, and without remorse.
Unknowingly acting on ignorance is one thing. But willingly doing so is another problem altogether, Libra. Like it or not, you have a responsibility to redirect now that you’ve seen the negative direction this path is leading. Otherwise, you have no one to blame but yourself.
Romance is in the air, Scorpio. The stars urge you to act on it. As dangerously vulnerable as opening up to someone else might feel, the rewards of doing so are well worth the temporary discomfort. Plus, the more you practice, the easier it will be to do so in the future.
Don’t be so quick to downplay the value of other people’s insights, Sag. Just because you’re normally the leader of the pack doesn’t mean you couldn’t stand to benefit from following for once. One must know what it’s like to be a good team player in order to be a good team leader.
Contrary to how it feels in the moment, the universe isn’t unfairly singling you out. Your ego is the driving force behind this notion, and it’s misleading you, Cap. This isn’t a detriment; it’s a blessing in disguise. How can this experience turn you into a stronger, more capable person?
While it’s certainly wise to look out for red flags in other people, the stars urge you to be wary of how much you choose to focus on the negative. If you keep convincing yourself that everyone is out to get you, your subconscious will eventually turn these fears into a self-fulfilling reality.
No one gets everything right on the first try, Pisces. Stop convincing yourself the path ahead isn’t worth taking just because you’ve tripped up a few times. If you never push past this temporary discomfort, then how can you expect to improve?