Choose Your Sign
Consider what your relationships with others might be trying to teach you, Aries. Just because your first instinct is to take on the leadership role doesn’t necessarily mean that’s what you need. Let someone else have a turn leading the way. You might be surprised by what you find.
Shifting one’s mindset can be an arduous, scary process. Give yourself grace while you navigate this new territory. No one is expecting you to acclimate overnight. So, why bother putting that pressure on yourself? Take the time you need. There’s no need to rush.
Don’t be so quick to turn down an opportunity because it isn’t the one you were expecting, Gemini. Use your adaptability to your advantage. Keep an open mind as you embark on this new journey. Indeed, the cosmos wouldn’t give you this challenge if you couldn’t handle it.
Some phases in our life call for action; others call for rest. The stars urge you to lean into the latter. Find time to reflect, imagine, and plan for what’s next. The work you do in this stage is no less important than the busy work that will inevitably come up further down the road.
Be wary of allowing your ego to paint your version of reality, Leo. Even our inner selves can mislead us into thinking something is true — or, conversely, something is inherently false or bad — when that isn’t the case. Look at the big picture, not in the mirror.
An unexpected change in your daily life could bring about great financial prosperity. But if you stick your head in the sand out of fear of this new transition, you’ll likely never see the success the stars have laid out for you. Go with the flow, Virgo. Change can be a great thing.
Sometimes, we must be the person that our younger selves needed for someone else. In doing so, we can help the other party and our past selves heal simultaneously. This might require you to confront painful emotions you’ve swept under the rug. But it will be well worth the effort, Libra.
Keeping these negative emotions tucked away in your peripheral view is not the same as actually dealing with them, Scorpio. Just because something is on your mind doesn’t mean you’ve put the work in to overcome the hurdle. You’ll have to dig a little deeper than that.
Our instincts are helpful but not always accurate. The sooner you learn to remain flexible in the ever-changing face of the universe, the happier you will be. Constantly pushing up against fate only serves to exhaust you prematurely. Adapting takes far less effort than preventing, Sag.
It’s always best to strike while the iron’s hot, Cap. Don’t be so cocky as to assume this chance for prosperity will sit around and wait for you to finish hemming and hawing about it. You have the insight and intellect to handle what comes from this decision. Trust in yourself.
Be careful not to underestimate your ability to lie to yourself. Hindsight often reveals these fallacies for what they truly were, but unfortunately, you don’t have the luxury of time. If you can’t view this situation objectively, then it might be time to lean on your trusted loved ones for help.
Letting go of a toxic relationship or habit is difficult — and often not a linear process. Be kind to yourself as you move forward and backward on your path. Two steps forward and one step back is still one step ahead of where you started, Pisces. Don’t forget to practice self-compassion.