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Be careful of allowing your rebellious attitude to turn into self-sabotage, Aries. No one is doubting whether you can stand up for yourself. But they are starting to wonder why you’re picking fights when you don’t have to.
Is being right worth prolonging this confrontation even further? Despite what your stubborn attitude might be telling you, winning isn’t the end-all-be-all in relationships. Don’t get so caught up in collecting points that you end up being the only player left in the game, Taurus.
Your willingness to devote yourself to others is admirable, but the stars urge you to reflect on why you feel compelled to do so. Are you doing this out of the goodness of your heart or because you’re expecting something in return? Beware the latter: it’s rife with disappointment.
Sometimes, we must release things we’re clinging to so that we can move forward. The regressive motion feels counterintuitive and, at times, a little scary, but the cosmos implore you to trust the process. Your journey ahead will be much easier without these anchors weighing you down.
The stars are lining in your favor to assert yourself in meaningful ways. It’s your responsibility to make sure those ways are positive. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you necessarily should. Resist the temptation and falsehoods that a “what if” provides, Leo.
The right people will appreciate your willingness to offer a helping hand. But in return, you owe it to them to communicate and determine what their needs truly are. Skipping this step puts you at risk of causing more trouble than was there when you started, undoing all of your hard work.
Don’t underestimate your ability to stand in your own way, Libra. Affixing the blame onto a third party is always the more convenient option. However, it’s rarely the correct one. Acknowledging your role in these recurring obstacles will make it easier to overcome them next time.
When we undergo significant changes, our immediate environment tends to reflect that. While this can be disconcerting at first, take it as a sign that you’re headed in the right direction. If everything were staying the same, then how could you know you were growing at all?
Your productivity can quickly lead to burnout if left unchecked, Sag. No one is expecting you to be moving and achieving all of the time. So, why do you hold yourself to this unattainable standard? Indeed, taking time to rest and recharge is just as critical in your ascent to success.
Few problems can’t be remedied by having a tough conversation or two. And luckily, you’re well-equipped to handle such endeavors. Stand firm in your beliefs and your ability to solve problems, Cap. You are more capable of fixing this than your insecurities let you believe.
Just as a flower needs to be pruned in order to grow, we must occasionally release parts of our identity that we once held dear so that we can achieve our next stage of development. Don’t let the butterflies in your stomach deter you. They’re signs of anticipation of something far greater.
Now that the universe has offered you its invaluable clarity, it’s up to you to act on it. It’s bad enough dealing with toxicity when you don’t know it’s there. But there’s no excuse to hide behind, Pisces. You know the source of the problem, and it’s time to dig it out at its roots.