Bindi Irwin recently tied the knot with her longtime boyfriend Chandler Powell in a private ceremony at the Australia Zoo. The lead-up to their wedding was covered extensively by tabloids that were more interested in inventing salacious stories than reporting the truth. Here are a few bogus stories that Gossip Cop busted about Irwin and Powell’s wedding.
Last November, Woman’s Day published an article claiming that Irwin was ready to call off the wedding due to the stress of family drama. Bob Irwin, Bindi’s grandfather, has been estranged from his son Steve Irwin’s family for years, and a so-called “insider” told the outlet that the estrangement had become a “drawn-out family battle” in the lead-up to the wedding. “The word is they’re having serious doubts about going through with it,” the source finished. Gossip Cop looked into the story and found it to be clearly false: just the day before, Irwin had shared a photo of herself and Powell on Instagram, writing, “I’m so glad I get to spend forever adventuring through life with you.” The couple were quite obviously still moving forward with the wedding, though reports are Bob didn’t attend.
Just over a week later, the National Enquirer reported that Irwin and Powell’s “dream” wedding had turned into a “nightmare” thanks to the same family drama that the previous article mentioned. According to another suspicious insider, Irwin decided to delay her wedding because she was “heartbroken” that the “family drama” was threatening “to upend the family’s happiness.” The article contended that the drama involved not just Bob Irwin, but also tension between her family and Powell’s. Gossip Cop pointed out that, just a few days after this article was published, Irwin once again took to Instagram to express excitement over her wedding. “I can’t wait to marry this guy,” she said of Powell, adding a heart emoji.
Following up its first claim, Gossip Cop debunked another phony piece from Woman’s Day in mid-November purporting Irwin and Powell had been fighting nonstop since getting engaged. A supposed “eyewitness” claimed to have seen the couple having a “terse conversation” in which Irwin appeared “anxious” and Powell was “fuming.” Once again, the dormant family drama within the Irwin family had reportedly been a source of real stress for Irwin. Yet despite this phony claim, the couple had continued to show love for one another on social media. Irwin even described life with Powell as “six years spent together filled with epic adventures, wonderful laughter & incredible friendship” in a post on his birthday. The were clearly happy to be together.
When the wedding arrived a few days early, Woman’s Day went in a completely different direction, seemingly forgetting that it had previously predicted that Bindi Irwin and Chandler Powell would not end up getting married. In this article, the unreliable magazine claimed that the couple had moved up their wedding because Irwin was pregnant. Gossip Cop immediately dismissed this claim as ridiculous: they moved their wedding up ten days, which is in all likelihood is not enough time to accommodate a pregnancy. Now that the wedding is over, hopefully these tabloids will let up on the bogus gossip about Irwin and Powell. But if they don’t, Gossip Cop will always make sure to set the record straight.