Reading a horoscope isn’t the same as looking into a crystal ball, but it’s pretty darn close. By analyzing the stars, we can learn more about which energies and emotions will affect certain parts of our lives.
We’re helping you prepare with this comprehensive guide of every astrological event that’s on the horizon. From retrogrades to eclipses and more, here are all of the major astrological events coming in 2022 (and how to best prepare for them).
Ringing In The New Year With Retrogrades
Four planetary retrogrades will welcome us into the new year. Uranus, which represents rebellion and innovation, will be the first planet to go retrograde. It will last from January 1st through the 18th. During this time, our freedom will be challenged and we may feel more limited in daily life.
Closely following Uranus is Venus, which will be in retrograde from January 1st to the 29th. Venusian retrogrades affect love and money. Be wary of making investments or commitments during this time. When Venus returns to direct, they might turn sour.
On January 4th, Saturn enters retrograde. Saturn is ruled by rules, regulations, and challenges. Therefore, Saturn retrogrades offer a chance to restructure our lives and find new ways to tackle obstacles.
Finally, Mercury enters retrograde on January 14th and lasts through February 3rd. Out of all the planetary retrogrades, Mercury is certainly one of the more notorious. Misunderstandings are the most likely to occur during this time. Mercury retrograde is a time for planning and waiting, not direct action or confrontation.
Retrograde And An Eclipse, Part One
On April 29th, Pluto will enter retrograde. Outer planet retrogrades are typically less intense than inner planets. Because Pluto’s orbit is so large, we feel the effects of it the least. These typically affect the collective, not the individual.
Having said that, Pluto retrogrades provide space to reflect on how we are reacting to change. This can refer to society as a whole. April will likely see an uptick in social movements, political action, or a mix of the two.
Moreover, this retrograde will be followed by a partial solar eclipse visible in the Southern hemisphere. Solar eclipses bring about new beginnings and fresh starts.
A partial solar eclipse suggests pushback to change. But under Capricorn stars, these transformations are sure to happen whether or not everyone’s on board.
Retrograde And An Eclipse, Part Two
We’ll experience another one-two punch in May. Mercury enters retrograde in Gemini on May 10th. Shortly after, on May 16th, a total lunar eclipse will be visible in the Northern hemisphere.
Unlike the solar eclipse, lunar eclipses are far more introspective. Lunar eclipses are a time for reflection on the good and bad in our lives. As a result, expect some tension or straight-up drama early next summer. Conflicts will highlight the nastiest parts of ourselves and others. While it might be tempting to jump ship right away, hang in there.
After Mercury returns direct on June 3rd, we’ll be better equipped to process what we saw under the eclipse’s shadow.
Summertime Supermoons
The moon directly impacts our inner, emotional selves. We feel this energy the most during the bookends of the lunar phases: new and full moons. Supermoons, however, kick things up a couple of notches.
Supermoons occur when the moon reaches the closest point to Earth in its elliptical orbit. They appear brighter and bigger than other full moons because of this. And next summer, we’ll have three to look forward to.
The first supermoon takes place on June 14th and is nicknamed the Strawberry Moon. It will occur under Sagittarius, a mutable fire sign. Great emotional shifts and bursts of spontaneity are likely to occur.
Next, the Buck supermoon will reach its peak on June 13th in Capricorn. Capricorn is action-oriented, hardworking, and fiercely driven. July’s supermoon will offer potent energy for change and success.
The last summer supermoon takes place on August 12th. The Sturgeon moon will be in Aquarius. Aquarius is a mutable air sign known for its resourcefulness and rebellious nature. During this time, thinking outside of the box is key.
Gas Giant Retrogrades In The Dog Days
On June 28th, Neptune goes retrograde and will stay there until early December. One month later, Jupiter follows suit. Its retrograde will be shorter, with Jupiter going direct on October 23rd. Meanwhile, Uranus will go retrograde starting August 24th.
Like Pluto, these gas giants’ orbits are considerably larger than those of the inner planets. As a result, we feel their influence less. Still, their effects won’t go unnoticed.
Neptune retrogrades focus on spirituality and tranquility. It’s retrograde will provide an opportunity to assess what in your life is or isn’t serving you. When Jupiter goes retrograde, our morality and ethics are called into question. Are our own choices keeping us from inner peace?
Finally, we’ll end with a return to Uranus. The second half of 2022 will be a good time to look for and address any cognitive dissonance within ourselves, our relationships, and society as a whole.
Outer Belt Oppositions
Beginning in August, we’ll experience a string of oppositions between Earth and the outer belt planets. Oppositions occur when the planet reaches its closest approach to the Earth.
The sun, which rules ego, illuminates the planets completely. We, in turn, feel the planet’s influence more acutely. Oppositions are challenging, but they’re not always negative. Ultimately, it depends on the individual. One can either rise to the occasion or crumble under pressure.
The first, most challenging opposition occurs on August 14th with Saturn. Life might feel a little rocky during this time, particularly for Aquarians and Capricorns, who are ruled by Saturn.
Conversely, Pisces will bear the brunt of the next opposition with Neptune on September 16th. Neptune rules spiritual awakenings and healing, so prepare for some shake-ups to your foundation. But keep your chin up–you’ll be stronger in the end because of it.
Jupiter will enter opposition on September 26th. This opposition will force our egos to confront what’s been holding us back from growth (read: ourselves). Jupiter-ruled Sagittarians are likely to feel this the most.
Two months later, on November 9th, Uranus enters opposition. This will happen smack dab in the middle of a Venus retrograde. Consequently, many of us will struggle to maintain a sense of freedom within our relationships.
Closing Out 2022 With A Bang
And by bang, I mean yet another eclipse and retrograde combo. First, Mercury goes retrograde on September 9th and won’t go direct until October 2nd. A partial solar eclipse will catalyze new beginnings born from those Mercurian struggles less than a month later.
However, it’s important not to get swept away by the allure of fresh starts. Venus goes retrograde for the last time in 2022 on October 30th. Just like before, it’s best to avoid making any major commitments. They’re likely to fall through or come up short once the rose-colored hue of the retrograde wears off.
A total lunar eclipse on November 8th provides an opportunity for assessing our shadow selves. This will come in handy when Mars enters opposition on December 8th. Since Mars is the planet of passion and aggression, it may be tempting to pick a fight. But is that our shadow or real-self talking?
Lastly, we close out 2022 with our last Mercury retrograde. The planet goes retrograde on December 29th, just in time for New Year’s Eve. So, be wary of too-big resolutions.
A resolution started on January 18, 2023–when Mercury goes direct,–is just as good as one started on the 1st. In fact, it’s arguably better. Save yourself the hassle now, and enter the new year slowly, cautiously, and with a plan in hand.