An aura is an electromagnetic field found around each and every person. It can be discovered, seen, and explored, and it can provide information on personality traits, romantic relationships, career choices, spiritual life, and more. This can be particularly beneficial to women, as they discover the deeper meaning of their auras.
Aura’s energy fields that exist around people have distinct colors. For example, an orange one may be found on someone who is outgoing, those who are nurturing could have green in theirs, and indigo is found in imaginative people. Whatever color is seen is determined by one’s health, mood, experiences, and state of being.
At times, a person may discover that their aura is quite unique and that it is white, which, according to spiritual author Shannon Kaiser, is “the rarest of all aura colors and indicates purity, integrity, and a high level of spirituality.”
The White Aura Personality
What does it mean to have a white aura and, more specifically, to be a woman with a white aura? Well, these types are loyal, wholesome, dependable, and helpful.
Their pure state of light and high energy shows harmony, integrity, sensitivity, adaptability, contentment, intuitiveness, attentiveness, and ethical ways. This color can also represent new possibilities, cleansing, and enlightenment.
They are the epitome of good, which is why most babies have a pure, white aura. This is also a color with a high vibration, representing its goodness and spirituality. When it is particularly bright, it shows an abundance of innocence and wisdom, as well as the ability to heal and a connection to higher consciousness. This “special communion with the divine” can manifest itself in a variety of ways. The person may have extreme intuition. They may be full of luck. They could be psychic. Or they may just be super supportive.
There are some negative personality traits that can be associated with this aura color: Their innocence can become naiveté, and the intense spirituality can make a person feel disconnected from the real world.
The White Aura And Crown Chakra
As mentioned, a white aura is rare, but women who have them are connected to something big, and this connection is enhanced, due to a white aura’s association with the crown chakra.
There are seven main chakras in the human body, and each corresponds with a specific aura color. At the top of the head is the crown chakra, which is defined by enlightenment and the spiritual world. Those with white-colored auras feel “drawn to consciousness, connection to a higher power, wisdom, self-realization, presence, and self-awareness,” shared spiritual YouTuber Karishma Hira.
In Sanskrit, chakra translates to, “spinning wheels of energy,” and remember: A woman with a white aura has an abundance of energy. This is why there is a spiritual transcendence, a connection to the supernatural, and an ability to ward off negative energies found in these types.
A bright white aura shows that the crown chakra is open. When it’s blocked, though, a person may feel unstable, confused, and, in general, an overall sense of poor mental and physical health.
The Love Life Of A White Aura
The goodness and kindness found in a person with a white-colored aura bleed into romance, as they love in a genuine and caring way. “In relationships, they may make the well-being of others a priority over themselves. They love more deeply than many other people; it can be a lot of love for others to handle, especially if they don’t love themselves,” states spiritual author Shannon Kaiser.
Once they have found a partner, they will make it obvious that they care about said partner’s emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. No matter what, they will accept their loved ones, despite any and all flaws, showing up for them time after time.
On the other hand, there are some drawbacks, when it comes to their love life with this type. For starters, their partners may feel judged or unworthy of being around this pure and perfect white aura soul. Additionally, it can be hard for someone with a white aura to give all of their time and attention to a loved one; their big hearts and spiritual ways make them want to go out and help everyone in the world.
Another negative quality is that despite how protective this color is, they are not always great at defending themselves. Therefore, when combined with their naivety, they can end up deceived and even abused. In particular, a white aura that is darkened a bit may show someone who is too forgiving, too trusting, and always being taken advantage of.
When using caution and balance, though, a woman with a white aura can enter into a beautiful relationship, giving more love than someone can even imagine.
Careers For White Auras
These wholesome and gentle souls put their helping hands to work in jobs that give back. Some examples include environmental work, healthcare, the law industry, a therapist, and roles that allow them to fight for the rights and protection of humans, animals, and the environment.
A white aura also signifies a woman who is cautious, practical, and meticulous, which are all excellent traits to have, especially when it comes to a career. This color is lucky, as well, so while a woman with a white-colored aura will get far with her wisdom and instincts, she will also use those high levels of energy and vibrations to see even further success.
Their loyalty and dependability mean they can be counted on at all times and will always go the extra mile, whether that means picking up someone’s shift or volunteering on the weekend. It may even seem like a person with a white aura has no goals in their professional life, as they are fine with the small tasks, the dirty work, and the positions that put them in the background…anything that helps keep a workplace or organization up and running in the most helpful and efficient way possible.