Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are currently enjoying a vacation to New York City. Amid their visits and relaxation, the two are making a rare public appearance to promote COVID-19 vaccination. Here’s what’s going on.
Way Out East
After some speculation that Harry and Markle may return to England in the autumn, the couple has instead ventured to the Big Apple. This is the first major trip the two have taken together since arriving in the United States, and it’s Markle’s first time in New York since her 2019 christening.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are in New York for Global Citizen Live in Central Park, a charity event happening around the world. Harry worked with the organization last May, where he urged folks to get vaccinated. He and Markle will appear together for a similar speech on September 25.
For as often as Harry and Markle are featured in newspapers and tabloids, they seldom ever make public appearances. Raising two very young children and a vicious press will do that. The two are expected to urge not just Americans but everyone around the world to get vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as possible.
A Full Itinerary
Ahead of their speech, the two are staying very busy around New York. They’re staying at one of Princess Diana’s favorite hotels and started the trip with a visit to the 9/11 memorial. There, they met with Mayor Bill de Blasio, and briefly addressed a crowd. Markle said, “it’s wonderful to be back.”
UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield met with Markle and Harry as well. The couple also arranged an appearance at PS 123 in Harlem. Markle read her children’s book The Bench to the students, where some students were shedding tears.
Where Are Her Kids?
Archie And Lilibet Diana did not accompany their parents on the flight, so they’re being cared for in Los Angeles. The three-day trip is the longest that the family’s been separated from the kids. One can imagine they’re checking in as parents are wont to do. Rumors are circulating that the two could be flying to the UK for Christmas, but only time will tell. A flight from California to England with a baby and a toddler is a tall order for anyone.
Markle and Harry are influential folks, despite what her father may believe. They’re sought-after public speakers. Don’t expect any drama from their speech this weekend, but their remarks should be news no matter what.