Julia Fox, the model and actress who briefly dated Kanye West in 2022, recently shared insights into her past relationship with the rapper, including an offer for plastic surgery. In her memoir, Down the Drain, Fox detailed a candid conversation that occurred during their time together, with The Guardian publishing an excerpt on Saturday.
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The 33-year-old model revealed that she and Kanye West spent a day together playing Uno and engaging in word games. In the midst of their casual hangout, West broached the topic of plastic surgery, specifically suggesting a breast augmentation. Fox recounted that West said, “I’ll get you a boob job if you want.”
Fox promptly declined the offer, highlighting her good intentions when entering the relationship with West in January of the same year. She had hoped for a real and meaningful connection and believed that West could open doors in her career.
However, since their separation in February 2022, Fox has come to believe that she was manipulated and used as a pawn during West’s highly publicized divorce from Kim Kardashian. Speaking to the Los Angeles Times on September 29, Fox stated that she felt like West’s “little puppet.”
This seems to be a growing trend as similar speculation has been made about West’s current relationship with Bianca Censori.
In her recent interview with The Guardian, she reiterated this sentiment, calling it humiliating and a “s–tty position” to be in.
Julia Fox emphasized that her relationship with West was just a small part of her life and does not define her. She pointed out that her romance with the Grammy-winning artist was merely a blip in her overall journey.
In her memoir, Down the Drain, Fox candidly shares details about her short-lived romance with West, along with insights into her childhood and acting career. She aimed to be as fair and truthful as possible in her depiction of the relationship.
Notably, Julia Fox refused to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) that West sent her, telling him that she could live with not being his friend under those circumstances.
Kanye West has since moved on and married Bianca Censori in a private ceremony in Palo Alto, California, in December 2022. Since the ceremony, Censori’s outrageous outfits and their recent trip to Italy have dominated headlines.
The revelations from Julia Fox’s memoir offer a glimpse into the dynamics of her relationship with Kanye West and the challenges she faced as she navigated her way through the complex world of fame and celebrity.