The Disney television show Jessie was a massively popular series among fans. The show followed babysitter Jessie, played by Debby Ryan, a young woman that decides to move to New York and rebel against her strict father. Jessie becomes the nanny for four rambunctious kids that are the children of multi-millionaire parents. The show involved various exciting situations that Jessie finds herself in with the children. The Disney show came to an end in 2015 after 96 episodes.
While the show had a good run, many fans were upset by its cancellation. Though fans can re-watch it any time, there are some that are still confused by the abrupt ending and why it happened.
Why did Jessie have to end?
While all good things must come to an end, the same can be said for the beloved kids show. Ryan explained this on Twitter after a fan asked why the comedy was being canceled. “We did four seasons, the most any Disney Show did. Hit a hundred episodes and it ran its course xx,” the actress replied.
It seems that the cast and crew were informed of the show’s impending cancellation which probably also gave each cast member a chance to fully digest the news. Ultimately, it seems like everyone involved got to enjoy the show and say goodbye to one another.
Debby Ryan saw an opportunity to grow after the show
Following this Ryan, who also directed a few episodes of the show, opened up about how she looked forward to life after Jessie. “My personal life kind of flipped on its head this summer, and I realized that you only have the time and emotional energy to invest in the things that really matter,” Ryan stated during an interview with Teen Vogue.
She continued that she also wanted to make more time for other areas in her life that needed attention. “When Jessie wraps, I’m going to make being an actual human — a daughter, a sister, a friend — my job. I love to work, but I’m going to keep a little time for myself,” she explained.
Once the show did finish, Debby Ryan focused more on her music career. The actress and her band even opened for the music group Fifth Harmony on one of their tours. More recently, she played the lead role of the Netflix show Insatiable and starred in the film Horse Girl. She’s also set to star in the Netflix thriller, Night Teeth.