On Saturday, October 22nd, a waning crescent Moon continues to fly through the final 12th House of Self-Undoing under Virgo. Meanwhile, Venus and Haumea reach conjunction one House over in the 1st House of Self. This celestial mash-up indicates a need to trust our intuition regarding love, finances, or even both. Without that internal trust, the cosmos warn against a transformation for the worse.
What might that mean for your sign today?
Those who are on unstable ground might find your sturdy footing disconcerting. Don’t let them convince you to rock your boat so they feel better about theirs. The stars urge you to stand firm in your beliefs today. You got this, Aries.
Keeping your nose to the grindstone has its benefits, but it can also cause you to lose sight of the bigger picture. You’ve made greater progress than you realize, Taurus. Take a second to look around and appreciate that fact.
The pain you experienced isn’t a punishment; it’s a lesson. While it might feel unfair and even unwarranted, you’re better off playing the cards the universe has dealt you. You’ll come out on the other side stronger than you imagined.
Considering new perspectives is frightening. Indeed, the truth has a funny way of shoving us out of our comfort zones regardless of whether we feel ready. But what if you’re more prepared for this transformation than you thought?
When you get the notion to assert yourself, little can stand in your way. However, this can be a double-edged sword, Leo. Your motivation and zeal are admirable, but stay cognizant of your ability to burn a bridge or two.
Your past hurts and regrets are weighing you down like anchors, Virgo. To get off this plateau, you’ll have to shed this undue burden. Luckily, you can retain the insights they offer you without carrying their immense load.
Everyone deserves the right to steer their own ship and chart their own course—even you, Libra. If you notice something going awry, then you need to say something. Trying to keep the peace will only breed resentment.
While you might think your tough exterior is protecting you, it’s actually having the opposite effect. Refusing to take a chance for fear of failure is a nasty, self-perpetuating cycle. You have to get uncomfortable to grow.
Unfortunately, you can’t have your cake and eat it too, Sag. You’ll have to make some cuts to your schedule if you want to keep up this pace. You’re a human, not a robot—start treating yourself like one.
Instead of getting hung up on why something should be working, the stars urge you to consider why it isn’t. What does this impasse reveal upon closer inspection? It’s likely more than you think, Cap.
When in doubt, talk it out. Bottling all this inside of you won’t get you any closer to achieving your goals. It’s time to lay everything on the table and recalibrate it to the bigger picture.
The cognitive dissonance created when our consciousness and subconsciousness fail to align can dramatically impact virtually every aspect of our lives. Listening to your heart and intuition is the first step in realigning the two.
Read our weekly horoscope for an even deeper dive into your sign’s celestial forecast.