Choose Your Sign
The hard work that this new endeavor requires doesn’t cease with the fizzling out of your motivational spark, Aries. If you want to see this goal to fruition, then you must continue to work at it even when you no longer feel like it. The discipline is challenging but well worth it.
When you’ve spent so long acting as an enemy to yourself, it can feel more uncomfortable to practice self-care than to not. However, the stars urge you to try. Misery might be familiar to you, but it isn’t worth keeping around. Move past the discomfort and take care of yourself.
Don’t underestimate the power of an ego to paint a situation a different color than the one you’d prefer. Inklings aside, it’s impossible to know what’s actually going on in someone else’s head — and vice versa. Thus, open and honest communication is key to overcoming this hurdle.
Loneliness is often a fickle, self-imposed thing, Cancer. Are you far removed from your community because they want you to be, or have you isolated yourself from them? Try reaching out to an old friend today. You’ll likely be surprised at how willing they are to hear from you.
Part of what makes you a great leader is your desire to have others like you. However, that can also be a weakness if you’re not careful. Focus less on what others think of you and more on the morals and values you’re trying to uphold. The right people will follow suit regardless, Leo.
Shirking your own wants and wishes for the sake of practicality is admirable to a point, but eventually, it starts to bleed over into martyrdom. No one is asking you to sacrifice yourself, Virgo. Stop harboring resentment over a position you’ve adopted of your own accord.
Be wary of the illusions of false security that your comfort zone provides, Libra. Acting definitively might be scary because of the potential possibilities of a different decision. But aren’t those same possibilities still present even if you don’t act? Indeed, you’re losing out either way.
No one is the same person they were five years ago. Our morals, values, and goals change with the passing of time, and that’s a good thing. You aren’t fickle just because you’ve changed your mind. You’ve grown. Now, it’s time to put that growth to good use and reassess your path.
The way forward is not as cloudy as you think, Sag. It’s time to use your natural leadership and communication skills for the greater good. The gut feelings you’ve been experiencing are trying to tell you something, and now, the stars urge you to act on it. Don’t waste a second more.
As much as you would prefer to do everything yourself, eventually, you must succumb to the fact that it’s impossible. Continue to delegate, sure. But the sooner you stop trying to convince yourself you’re superhuman and start treating yourself more compassionately, the better.
Your eccentric personality is a blessing, not a curse, Aquarius. If your immediate circle is starting to make you feel like it’s the latter, then maybe it’s time to pursue another community. Best case scenario, a tough conversation or two can ease this passive-aggressive tension.
Your insecurities make confrontation difficult, as they tend to make you trip over your words and cede to the other’s arguments too quickly. Try writing down your thoughts beforehand to get a better handle on what you’re trying to say. You deserve to speak your piece and have it be heard.