As we continue to feel the shockwaves of last week’s total solar eclipse, be prepared for various aspects of life to feel a bit wobbly. Changes are on the horizon, and with that, we can expect some unsteady ground beneath us. All we can do in the meantime is keep pushing forward.
But be wary: Mercury retrograde is still in full effect, this week joined by faraway dwarf planet Haumea. This small celestial body governs our intuition and trusting instincts. With Mercury, the planet of communication turned inward, prepare yourself for potential communication breakdowns. The less surprised by them you become, the easier they will be to manage.
How will your sign fare this week?
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Despite what your go-to mindset might want to believe, not everything in life has to look like a mad dash sprint toward the finish line. Sometimes, we must go through periods of restorative stagnancy. These phases of purposeful “inactivity” allow us to assess where we are on our life path. Then, we can make improvements where necessary.
Indeed, your cosmic alignment suggests you are approaching one of these periods of refinement. This slow speed might feel frustrating at first. But don’t let your propensity for forward motion convince you that your time spent here isn’t productive. The work you do while in this period of rest can be far more transformative than any forward motion.
There is a difference between standing up for yourself and picking fights where they don’t need to happen, Taurus. As Mercury retrograde conjoins with your ruling planet, Venus, toward the end of the week, you’d be wise to look out for interactions that lean toward the latter. There is a way to get your point across without burning bridges while you do it.
Being mindful doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re letting people walk all over you. If a few moment’s reflection reveals that the situation you’re in is no longer beneficial to you, then you have every right to leave. However, haphazardly making these judgment calls without all the proper information is bound to lead to more heartache than it’s worth.
The stars are urging you to tighten your pursestrings a bit this week, Gemini. If this new endeavor or purchase is worth your investment, then it will still be available to you next week (or the week after that). Our desires can manufacture a sense of urgency that isn’t actually there. Be wary of letting these feelings mislead you into making a poor decision.
Don’t be afraid to lean on others while you make these big life choices. Independence is great, but so is accountability. Your willingness — or lack thereof — to share this decision with your closest loved ones could indicate a deeper issue here that requires your attention. After all, if it’s worth spending money on, why shouldn’t it be worth talking about?
Last week’s total solar eclipse has your lunar energy on full blast. Don’t be afraid to utilize this momentum while it’s here. A waxing gibbous Moon faces off with fiery Mars toward the end of the week in the 12th House of Self-Undoing and 6th House of Health. Now would be an excellent time to let go of the negative habits that no longer serve you.
Negative or not, our habits and daily routines become part of our identity. A little bit of hesitation while you work on releasing these aspects of your life is to be expected. Try not to take it as a sign that you’re doing something wrong. Instead, focus on the weight that you’re shedding. How much easier will it be to move to the next level without those burdens dragging you down?
Our conscious brains might be able to ignore our emotions and focus on the pragmatic and logical, but our subconscious minds don’t have that same luxury. Considering the latter permeates virtually every aspect of our existence, you really don’t have that luxury either, Leo. The stars urge you to reacquaint yourself with your emotions this week.
Your ego fuels your desire to excel and achieve. So, why not redirect some of that energy toward healing the root cause of what’s ailing you? This certainly won’t be an overnight process. But the longer you put this exercise off, the harder it’s going to be to figure out what, exactly, has been bugging you for so long. Use that bravery you’re known for, and dig deep.
Our emotional spaces can get just as cluttered as our physical ones. And this week, the stars are urging you to pay attention to the former. What sort of grudges, regrets, or insecurities are taking up valuable room in your heart and mind? Just like clearing out a stuffy attic or basement, we must address these space-clutterers one item at a time.
Unfortunately, this means that you have a long road ahead of you. But try to focus on the productive aspect of this exercise. Life will inevitably find more things to add to your cognitive “storage.” By avoiding this cleanout process, you’re only setting yourself up for more work further down the road. There’s no time to start like the present, Virgo.
No matter how close you are to someone, they can’t read your mind, Libra. Assuming the opposite is true will only mislead you into a false sense of comfort. This will make it even more difficult to face misunderstandings when they arise. Get a handle on the situation before it gets out of hand by leaving no room for doublespeak or misinterpretation this week.
Indeed, with Mercury and Makemake both in retrograde in your ruling house and under your sign, respectively, the air will be rife with tension. You can either exacerbate these issues by assuming everyone around you knows your intentions, or you can reduce this tension by making your way of thinking crystal clear. The latter benefits everyone involved.
The easier option is not always the most beneficial, Scorpio. For example, closing yourself off to your community is a surefire way to avoid draining your social battery and sidestep any potential drama. But what are the long-term ramifications of such a decision? This isolation might feel like a positive in the short term, but its long-term ramifications will reveal themselves soon enough.
Putting yourself out there — particularly when you haven’t in a while — can be a scary process. Indeed, vulnerability begets the risk of misunderstanding, or, worse, rejection. However, rest assured that the prosperity you stand to gain from connecting with others far outweighs the anxiety you’re feeling right now. You’ll be glad you made the connections you did.
The trickiest solutions are often the furthest from the boundaries of our comfort zone. Before you give up hope, consider avenues that you haven’t tried yet. Don’t worry about social expectations or past experiences. Experiment with the outlandish. Ponder the preposterous. It likely won’t take long for you to realize how many possible avenues you’ve overlooked.
Moreover, you aren’t required to act on any of these scenarios you dream up in your head. All this exercise is meant to do is knock a few unexpected ideas loose. There are plenty of external factors that are liable to stand in our way of success. Don’t let your own close-minded thought process be one of them, Sagittarius.
Last week, the total solar eclipse offered a much-needed shift in perspective. This mindset change has revealed a new potential life path, and this week, the stars are urging you to explore it further. Even if it’s not the direction you initially imagined yourself going, that doesn’t mean it’s unworthy of your consideration.
Don’t be so quick to brush off a new experience or opportunity just because you’re not the one who thought of it. What sort of existence would it be if we had to always manufacture our own good fortune? Take this gift from the universe as it is, and try to resist the urge to start poking holes in it immediately. Enjoy the freedom of curiosity this week, Cap.
No two life paths are ever going to be the same, and that’s particularly true for someone as eccentric and individualistic as you, Aquarius. The more you surround yourself with people who don’t understand this reality, the more stifled and unhappy you will become. Although you can’t control every aspect of your life, you do have control over who you let into your heart and mind.
Therefore, you must make these decisions carefully. While you should expect some compromise, you shouldn’t have to forgo the essence of your being to keep friends and other loved ones. On the contrary, these individuals should celebrate who you are, not denying it. If you find they’re leaning toward the latter, perhaps it’s time to rethink your relationship with them.
As admirable as your work ethic might be, the stars urge you to consider why you’re so adamant about keeping your head down and focusing on the impersonal aspects of your life. Could you be hiding from a more significant problem somewhere in the emotional realm? Don’t let your productivity fool you, Pisces. These issues will still be there when you’re done.
Luckily, you have plenty of positive celestial energy in your corner this week. An opposition between a waxing gibbous Moon and Saturn in your ruling house and under your sign toward the end of the week will offer much-needed motivation to nip these problems in the bud before the metaphorical weeds start running rampant in the garden of your inner psyche.