Throughout our lives, everyone has wants, desires, and things that they wish they could achieve. But have you ever considered that your ideal reality might be one symbol away? Whether you’re a spirituality guru or a total newbie in the world of manifestation, sigils may be the next step you need to make your wishes a reality.
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“Sigil” is really just another word for “symbol.” Sigils are symbols that you create with a specific intention in mind. You can then use them to alter your reality and manifest major changes in your life. Pretty much anything you want to achieve or change can be translated into a sigil. For example, love, money, or career success are common things to manifest. You could manifest major life changes like finding a new place to live, or you could seek personal growth, like more confidence, a greater sense of calmness, or more willpower. Some people even use sigils to call on a god or archangel.
Why Use A Sigil For Spells?

The functionality of sigils is linked with the notion that we have the ability to manifest and change our own realities (so long as the changes are reasonably aligned with our destiny). Creating your sigil is a way to use creativity and activity to enhance your spiritual journey, as it combines art and magic. Each individual sigil is created with a specific power in mind. You can choose to have your sigil help you achieve a career change, spark a new romance, help you enforce a boundary or anything else you may need. For any life change you seek, a sigil can help you manifest it.
So, creating a basic symbol can help you manifest pretty much anything? Sounds too good to be true. In reality, it takes a bit more work than that. Creating a sigil isn’t all about making a wish and waiting for it to come true. You need to be intentional about your spiritual work and what you want to get out of it.
Setting Intentions

When starting your work with a sigil, you should first set an intention. When considering what it is you want to manifest, you should try to create an intention that’s clear and specific without being too convoluted. Try starting your intention with “I want…,” “I need…,” or “I desire.” If you’d rather, you can simply state what it is that you’re looking for. For example, write “better work-life balance,” rather than “more balance.” Or, you can try “more confidence around my crush,” instead of “more confidence.”
You might be thinking, “I don’t believe in magic or witchcraft; this doesn’t sound realistic.” And we get it! The reality is that sigils aren’t magic, per se. Rather, sigils unlock what’s hidden in your unconscious mind. Sigils are a tool to help you manifest your desires; they’re not actually like making a wish on a shooting star or when the clock strikes 11:11. Manifesting your wants and desires is always possible, but more often than not, your conscious mind, doubts, and reservations get in the way of your ability to manifest.
Sigils strip away many of the things that make manifestation difficult. They eliminate the need for words that may leave you tongue-tied or thoughts that can become complicated and emotional. Instead, they boil your desire down to a simple symbol and a specific, pointed intention.
The Different Types Of Sigils

How you want to design your sigil is up to your creativity and what speaks to you. The symbol needs to represent you and your desire, so it doesn’t need to be something that would make sense to anyone else. There are many different types of sigils, but here are a few common types to get you started.
Word Sigils
People have been creating word sigils since the 1800s, and they’re one of the simplest and most intuitive types of sigil you can make. To create a word sigil, start by identifying your intention. Avoid using negative words, and instead, opt for positive and specific language. Present tense statements can also improve your intention. For example, instead of saying something like, “I wish I wasn’t so anxious about meeting new people,” try, “I am calm and confident in social situations.” Once you’ve chosen your intention, write it down, and remove vowels. Arrange the remaining letters into a symbol that speaks to you. Avoid getting too hung up on its aesthetic beauty, and instead, create a symbol that looks the way you want it to. And, don’t be afraid to add artistic touches as you see fit.
Pictorial Sigils
Pictorial sigils remove the need for words to communicate your intentions, and some believe that this strengthens the sigil’s route to your unconscious mind. You can design your pictorial sigil to be literal: like a dollar sign if you’re hoping for monetary success. Or, you can opt for something more symbolic: like a wave or the moon. You can also add letters or statements to your pictorial sigils. Relax, have fun with it, and let your intention guide you.
Automatic Writing Sigils
This method focuses on how you feel, rather than using your creativity. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing and your intention while you draw on a piece of paper. Make sure that you have a loose grip on your pen or pencil and mark your paper freely.
Magic Circles
Magic circles are another great way to create a unique symbol without the need for creativity. To create this sigil, draw a circle, and write the alphabet lining the inside of the circle. Think of your intention (and feel free to eliminate vowels if it’s particularly long.) Then draw a line connecting the letters of the alphabet inside the circle to spell out your intention. Once you erase the outer circle and letters, you are left with a unique, angular symbol that you can use as your sigil.
How To Use A Sigil In A Spell

Once you’ve chosen which method is right for you and created your sigil, you need to activate it. This is how you infuse your sigil with energy. Most people will choose to meditate, connecting their focused unconscious mind to the sigil. Others prefer to use more extreme methods, like anointing the sigil with moon water, carrying it in your pocket, looking at it while orgasming or dancing, or even burying it in the ground. Some people choose to destroy the sigil by burning it, tearing it, throwing it into the water, or even erasing a pencil-drawn sigil.
Now that you’ve designed your sigil experience, it’s time to get into it.
Choose a Quiet Location
Your sigil needs a direct route to your subconscious in order to be effective. For this reason, you need to stay focused and free of distractions while activating your sigil. Set your phone to ‘do not disturb,’ and find a location that you know will be quiet and free from disruptions. If you have access to a sacred place or altar, that’s a great place to activate your sigil. There’s no need for anything fancy if you don’t already have it.
Close Your Eyes
If you’ve mastered meditation, now is a good time to put those skills to use. If you’re like the rest of us and find meditation to be a struggle, just start by closing your eyes. Keep your eyes close and focus on your inhaling and exhaling. Keep doing this until you feel relaxed and focused.
Make Contact With Your Sigil

When you’re ready, you can open your eyes, pick up your sigil, and stare at it. It’s up to you whether you hold it close to your face or far away. Stare at your sigil for a few minutes and lose yourself in the image.
Activate Your Sigil.
Now is the time to use your activation method of choice. Whichever method you choose, be sure to imagine that your mind is emptying as your sigil is activating.
Now the work is out of your hands, and it’s time for the sigil to do its job. Trust the sigil, and try your best to put the manifesting out of your mind.
After you’re finished creating your sigil, you’ll probably wonder when it will take effect. Rather than wondering, worrying, or checking up on it, try trusting the process and letting your sigil alone to do its work. Creating a sigil journal to record the intentions you’ve used and how they’ve come to life for you can be helpful in your sigil process. Good luck and happy manifesting!