This Wednesday, the sky is rife with powerful cosmic alignments. A waxing gibbous Moon flies in an auspicious trine with Makemake retrograde and Saturn, while the Sun shares the same aspect with Mars. Present negative aspects focus on communication and vulnerability, indicating that any challenges we might face today will likely have greater benefits than we realize further down the road.
Where does your sign fit into the celestial mix today?
We can’t always cater to the needs of others when tending to our own. And to a certain extent, that’s okay. While it’s important not to ignore or neglect those around you maliciously, the same goes for you, Aries.
It’s never easy to put effort into something you’re not particularly passionate about. Still, this is an unfortunate inevitability of some endeavors. It’s up to you to determine whether this discomfort is worth the potential silver lining.
Evaluating our missteps and their subsequent blame from our past can be a valuable exercise, but wallowing is a surefire way to make it decidedly not so. Everyone makes mistakes. The important thing is that you noticed them.
Relationships are rarely 50/50 all of the time. Indeed, there are periods where we give (and receive) more than the other party. Pay attention to whether those around you are willing to engage in that kind of healthy give and take.
The stars are encouraging you to dig deeper into your interests today, Leo. Peeling back the layers of your passions will either reveal how aligned they are with your values or the opposite. Both are critical observations.
Be careful not to confuse an attraction to a person with an attraction to the external optics of said individual. No matter how slick you might think you are, bonds built on the latter concept are shallow and should be avoided.
Your bleeding heart is admirable, but the stars offer a warning against giving outside of your means. If you continue to deplete your resources, then there will be nothing left for anyone—yourself included. Take care of yourself, Libra.
Life is unpredictable, so you must find some sense of stability within yourself. You don’t have to do it perfectly every time. But it’s important that you steel yourself against outside distractions and influences, Scorpio.
No one can speak to your needs better than you can, Sag. Use your perspective to your advantage. Don’t assume that others will read your mind and follow in line with your desires. You have to communicate.
Breaking a mental habit can be far more challenging than an external, physical one. A bit of regression is nothing to get bent out of shape over, Cap. You’re making more progress than you’re giving yourself credit for.
This experience has greater educational benefits than you think, Aquarius. Just because it wasn’t your idea doesn’t make it a bad one. You’d be wise to practice going with the flow today. You might like it.
Despite what your whimsical side might tell you, romantic daydreams are not the same as honest self-reflection. If you want this exercise to work, then you’ll have to take off your rose-colored glasses and remain grounded in the present moment.
Read our weekly horoscope for an even deeper dive into your sign’s celestial forecast, or check out the monthly horoscope for a broader overview of February’s astrological calendar.