Star actor Jamie Foxx had a health scare in 2023 that left several fans concerned. Foxx’s eldest daughter, Corinne, announced Jamie had “experienced a medical complication” back on April 12 of last year. She continued to reveal that the star was in the process of recovering at that time thanks to “quick action and great care.”
But now that he is on the mend, the actor no longer needs an advocate to tell his story. The Ray star is set to take center stage. In an upcoming show entitled What Had Happened Was, Foxx will give his recollection of what transpired.
Jamie Foxx Set to Address 2023 Health Scare in New Special
“Join us for an unforgettable one-man show as Jamie Foxx takes the stage to share his journey through a serious health scare, filled with humor, heart, and inspiration!” the actor wrote via his Instagram account.
“Experience Jamie Foxx like never before in this intimate and engaging performance, as he opens up about his struggles, triumphs, and everything in between. Get ready for a night of laughter, reflection, and genuine connection.”
Actor Previously Addressed Complications
However, this will not be the first time that Foxx has addressed what happened to him publicly.
Earlier this year, a video circulating through social media showed the actor interacting with people in downtown Phoenix. During the video, the actor explains that in April of 2023, he had a bad headache. This prompted him to ask his “boy for Advil.” Foxx then snapped his fingers and said, “I was gone for 20 days.”
“I don’t remember anything,” Foxx explained to the group. “I’m in Atlanta… My sister and my daughter took me to the first doctor. They gave me a cortisone shot. The next doctor said, ‘There’s something going on up there.’”
Foxx pointed to his head before explaining that he wouldn’t go into further details “on camera.”